Kids Books - Graphic

Tales from a Not-So-Talented Pop Star (Dork Diaries #3)

Tales from a Not-So-Talented Pop Star (Dork Diaries #3)

By Rachel Renée Russell

Nikki Maxwell has been doing everything she can to keep kids at school from knowing the truth about why she is at school-she's on a scholarship in exchange for her dad being the school's exterminator. Nikki is trying to avoid from having her friends, her not-so-friends, and her crush, Brendan from witnessing the huge roach on top of her dad's van. Now it looks like the secret might come out, and Nikki would stay up day and night to keep that from happening. Now when there is a school talent show coming up with a school scholarship as a prize, the timing seems perfect. Nikki loves performing (singing, dancing) and now she has to round up a bunch of friends to help her free her dad from his obligation(and free herself from her bad reputation)! Once again along with misunderstandings and Mackenzie's evil schemes, Nikki had to try to survive middle school.

Dork Diaries 3 1/2: How to Dork Your Diary

Dork Diaries 3 1/2: How to Dork Your Diary

By Rachel Renée Russell

I got this for my birthday and I loveto draw in it.I also like her other books too.They are similar to Diary of a Wimpy Kid but I still liked this one too because it was aimed more for girls.

Dork Diaries 1: Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life

Dork Diaries 1: Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life

By Rachel Renée Russell

Personally, i think this book is pretty good. im in the 5th grade, and ive been reading since 2nd grade. (thanks to my older sister) alot of people dont like how the protagonist, Nicki talks alot about boys and crushes and romantic teenager problems. But personally i think its just sort of realistic, Nicki is not in the 4th grade, shes a teen. This book isnt technically about a fun adventure with no worrys or stress, its realistic "slice of life" book. it speaks about growing pains and i think its interesting since i like books with drama and realistic ideals, usually. even in manga i like it when for example, attack on titan isnt all just about the titans but also shows the characters personalities and personal goals and stuff like that, friendships being broken and stuff that hurts the reader because of how realistic it is, but also has fiction like titans. Back to dork diaries, this is one of the only non-manga books i like, i will say Nicki can get a bit whiny and makes it a bit less enjoyable but overall i really like the idea and plot of this book, no its not a Diary of the Wimpy Kid "rip-off", its different in its own way because its more grown-up and usually girls struggle alot more with growing up so its natural Dork Diaries feels grown. I love this book! It can be very stereotypical tho, just because Nicki is a new "nerdy girl" who gets picked on, and on top of that her enemy is Mackenzie Hollister, the most popular girl in school. I like how much the book has so many twist and turns.

Big Shot (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 16)

Big Shot (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 16)

By Kinney, Jeff

If you like hilarious books you need to read Diary of a Wimpy kid: Big Shot, by jeff kinney. I give that book a five star because it is funny. I really like all the details that the author gives. Another reason is that I like the picture it shows. Like the description of everything in the whole book. I also liked when Greg made a cool shot and everyone tried to do it but could not make it in. But they had a big game coming. Did they win or not find out in the book. Hope you enjoyed the book because I did.

One Piece: v. 1

One Piece: v. 1

By Eiichiro Oda

One piece is about pirates and slaves that clean the ship one slave has powers and his name is luffy he’s funny and cool I think one piece is cool and funny and a lot of action and blood. And a lot of lenged’s and sea monsters big ones

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 15

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 15

By Jeff Kinney

The misfortunes and misadventures of the Heffley family still make me laugh, although I’m beginning to think Murphy’s law should be renamed Heffley’s law as luck so rarely seems to be on their side! A quick read that entertains and amuses with situations that are often comparable with and relatable to our own unfortunate happenings. The story continues while the family ended up losing their house after the extra house construction drama which did more harm than good. Aunt Reba, thank you for the chaos in this series 🤦 I see a huge improvement in the writing and how it's being presented but the illustrations are almost the same. But I am quite happy about this sequel. The story makes sense. There's humour and there's adventure. And moreover, Rodrick's my forever meme representation. He's just zzzzing 😂🤦 The family is trying to save as much as possible but they have to have a family adventure together. So off they go to a road adventure borrowing Uncle Gary's camper van. I just couldn't bear the second hand embarrassment the family had to face following the trip 🤦😂 The characters are fun. More fun I would say. The story well planned out with much details. The art is amazing as always. Minimal yet effectively entertaining! Some parts did remind of Tarzan's story gone wrong! And then a bit later on all the summer fun and adventure become alive. Yes, it would have been so much better to read this one during the summer! All those water and adventure vibes! Hahahahah! That skunk scene 🤣😂 And the bear in the end. I am so saying no to road trips like this! But I thoroughly enjoyed reading the 'mis'adventures of this one! 4 stars

Katie the Catsitter

Katie the Catsitter

By AF Venable, Colleen

I love cats and cute illustrations so I loved this book. Even if you don't like cats, I still recomend. So, Katie wants to go to summer camp with her friends, but she doesn't have enough money. When her friends mom offers to pay, Katie refuses, she wants to earn the money all by herself. Katie starts advertising her new business, doing chores for the others that live in her apartement. Soon enough, Katie finds out she doesn't enjoy doing the chores at all. Meanwhile her best friend is sending her many letters about camp, and how much she wishes Katie was there. Then Katie gets a job catsitting for 217 cats!!!! And they are no ordanairy cats, they know all sorts of things that cats shouldn't!!! But soon she starts recieving less and less letters from her best friend, and starts realizing that the lady she catsits for is always out at the time a local villian is commiting crimes. What should Katie do? Good thing she has 217 intelligent cats to help her out!

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Getaway

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Getaway


Christmas is almost here and the Heffley family is way behind on all things Christmas and they want to get away. Even though Greg thinks it's not a good idea as he is perfectly happy staying indoors by the fireplace all through Christmas break, his family decides to go to Isla de Corales for the Christmas and be away from the excruciating cold. They are all packed and they leave for the airport but without taking in consideration all the traffic they will get. They make it to the airport and hit snag after snag. After lots of bumps, they make it to Isla de Corales and instantly they feel better as the hot air hits them. But family holidays aren't family holidays until there is a lot of bickering and that's exactly what ensues. Greg's mother wants the family to spend time together but Greg's dad wants to do his own thing and Rowley wants to do his own thing too. Greg is looking to do lots of cool activities so that he can finally show Rowley that he had stellar time on his getaway. Let's just say that short of getting thrown in jail, the Heffley family gets in all sorts of trouble. I don't know what it is about the Heffely family holidays that they remind me so much of my family holidays. From not leaving for the airport in enough time to end up sitting on the plane in the middle of a different family to getting lost at the resort to birds eating our lunch to not be able to get a single decent family photo are all so relatable and not to mention hilarious. I loved this. 5 stars

The Misadventures of Max Crumbly 2: Middle School Mayhem

The Misadventures of Max Crumbly 2: Middle School Mayhem

By Rachel Renée Russell

I really enjoyed this book because there was a lot of drama, my favorite parts were when Max was wearing Ellie's snow costume and when they tied up the robbers together. It really scared me when Ellie's parents walked in on her own the call and almost grounded her. This was a really good book and I would recommend it if you like Dork Diaries.

One Piece Vol. 4: The Black Cat Pirates

One Piece Vol. 4: The Black Cat Pirates

By Eiichiro Oda

it is the best book you got to read it

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