Kids Books - Reference

Tales from the Kansas City Chiefs Sideline: A Collection of the Greatest Chiefs Stories Ever Told (Tales from the Team)

Tales from the Kansas City Chiefs Sideline: A Collection of the Greatest Chiefs Stories Ever Told (Tales from the Team)

By Bob Gretz

Go cheifs! Go cheifs! Go cheifs! Go cheifs! Go cheifs! Go cheifs! Go cheifs! Go cheifs! Go cheifs! Go cheifs l

What Was Pearl Harbor?

What Was Pearl Harbor?

By Patricia Brennan Demuth

A little sad,but good!

What Was the Boston Tea Party?

What Was the Boston Tea Party?

By Kathleen Krull

This is a good book for information about the Boston Tea Party. It all starts off normal, people just living their own lives. When they started putting taxes on tea, people were very angry and upset. A few people dumped crates of tea into the water to show what they think of the taxes. This is why the Boston Tea Party happened. I made a connection with this book because this was a real life tragedy that actually happened a long time ago that shows we can't get what we want, and you shouldn't make things worse. I give this book a 5 star review because it provides many reasons and examples why this event occurred, and how we can prevent this from happening again.

Who Was Ben Franklin?

Who Was Ben Franklin?

By Dennis Brindell Fradin

Who Was Ben Franklin?, by Dennis Brindell Fradin, says that even if you have had sad times, you can still live an accomplished life. Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706 at Boston, Massachusetts, died in 1790, and had a miserable childhood. When Benjamin was still a teenager, he was an apprentice at his brother’s printing shop. His brother, however, was cruel to him, and he didn’t like his work. However, he moved to Pennslyvania and started a new life. He became a founding father of the U.S.A, and one of the best American inventors of all time. I recommend this biography for boys and girls, grades third to fifth.

Who Was Albert Einstein?

Who Was Albert Einstein?

By Jess Brallier

I thought this book was obviously to inform you about Albert Einstein's life, but it was also very entertaining and enjoyable. This book is about how Albert's life exceeded. He was a shy one, but a huge intelligence span. He became famous in physics, and is now famous all around the world. I relate to this book because I am on the shyer end, and I enjoy physics. It is interesting to me and I would love to read another book about him. I rate it 5 stars because I enjoyed all the facts I got to learn about him and his life overtime.

Who Is Sonia Sotomayor? (Who Was?)

Who Is Sonia Sotomayor? (Who Was?)

By Megan Stine, Who HQ

I love this book so much. Sonia Sotomayor was born in the Bronx to Juan and Celina Sotomayor, who were immigrants from Puerto Rico. Th Sotomayors worked hard to provide for their growing family. Sonia's parents worked at factories and hospitals. Her family was sweet, happy, and generous family. Sonia's family did not have it all good though. Her father lost his job, so Celina had to pick up extra shifts to provide for her family. Also, Sonia became a diabetic at a young age. This made her have to take responsibility for her diabetes, meaning she would have to inject herself with insulin because her mother was unable because of her work. As Sonia grew up, she began to pursue a carrier in law. She was familiar with this subject because of the many Nancy Drews she read and the many episodes of Perry Mason she watched on TV. In this book she is described as a legend. And she really is. She worked beside many famous lawyers including Ruth Badger Ginsburg. She lived life to its fullest because she never knew when her illness would get the best of her. Through it all, Sonia stood tall and became the first Latina US Supreme Court justice. She was not afraid to get her hands dirty, even if meant putting her life in jeopardy. I suggest this for the world's next Supreme Justices and people fascinated with judges, lawyers, and amazing people.

Who Is Malala Yousafzai? (Who Was?)

Who Is Malala Yousafzai? (Who Was?)

By Dinah Brown

I like the Who was? series and when I saw this in the classroom library I knew I wanted to get it. Malala has always intrested me because of how she fought back at not even age fifteen. After reading this book now I know so much about Malala and the taliban. I reccomend this book for second grade to sixth grade.

Who Was Milton Hershey?

Who Was Milton Hershey?

By James Buckley Jr.


Today I am going to review the book, Who was Milton Hershey? by James Buckley, Jr. This book was published in 2013. This book tells the life story of Milton Hershey from his times on the farm to his creation of Hershey, Pennsylvania. You will learn all about this chocolate king. I enjoyed reading this book because of how much I learned that I never knew before. Also, it was about chocolate! The reading level of this book is about 3rd-5th grade. I would recommend this book for chocolate lovers and people who enjoy learning history.

Who Was Nelson Mandela?

Who Was Nelson Mandela?

By Meg Belviso, Pamela D. Pollack

i love this book and he is my favorite historical figure but it's too bad he died.(new copies are sold as who was nelson mandela)

Who Was Roald Dahl?

Who Was Roald Dahl?

By True Kelley

I haven't read this book but i want to bc of the way he was and how i know that he wanted to just make kids laugh bc kids deserve a good laugh bc laugh is a good medicine! I recommend this book so you can understand why he is awesome! And that is why people made a story about him...bc he is awesome.

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