Kids Books - Fairy

The Field Guide (The Spiderwick Chronicles)

The Field Guide (The Spiderwick Chronicles)

By Tony DiTerlizzi, Holly Black

Title : The Spiderwick Chronicles Author: tony Diterlizzi & holly black Genre: fantasy and fiction I chose 3 for my rating because it's just right. I didn't learn anything from the book. The challenge didnt help me. I found the book a little interesting. Nothing surprised me. I would recommend this book to grades 3-7 because it's just right.

Talons of Power (Wings of Fire, Book 9)

Talons of Power (Wings of Fire, Book 9)

By Tui T. Sutherland

I thoroughly enjoyed the reading experience of Talons of Power, never finding myself uninterested. That being said, I think this is definitely the weakest book in the second arc and most of the book can be classified as filler. 3 stars. Before I get into my issues, let me preface this by saying I adore the Wings of Fire books and consider this one of my all time favorite middle grade series. My critiques of this book do not change that, and 3 stars is a positive rating for me. Other than the last 20 pages or so, this book is the same thing happening over and over again. Turtle follows Darkstalker, waiting for him to do something evil, Darkstalker doesn’t. Repeat for 200 pages. Turtle is a very…passive character. He spends nearly the entire book “invisible” and just hanging out observing everyone else. He rarely takes matters into his own hands, which I recognize is part of his character but it makes him so much less interesting compared to the other main characters like Moon or Peril. Turtle is so infrequently involved in the story that he didn’t even feel like the main character. Most of this book is slow and repetitive. A lot of the plot serves to bridge the gap to the series finale. Though I was let down by this penultimate novel, I still enjoyed reading it. I love this series and world. The characters of this arc are extremely endearing. I’ve been reading Tui’s writing since I was very young, so I’m always happy to jump into her stories. I’m still super hyped for the finale. There are so many ways this could go, and I can’t wait to see. Not to mention I think Qibli is the main character of the final book, and he is one of my favorites!

Escaping Peril (Wings of Fire, Book 8)

Escaping Peril (Wings of Fire, Book 8)

By Tui T. Sutherland

I just finished Wings of Fire, Escaping Peril, a fantasy by Tui T. Sutherland, for the eighth time (It's still awesome!) and Wings of Fire is the best series ever! It is about a SkyWing named Peril who is a firescales (meaning that her scales are as hot as fire so she is super dangerous) and was very loyal to Queen Scarlet of the SkyWings. Until she met Clay. In the first book she is a Scarlet loyalist but then Scarlet Imprisons Clay and his friends and she falls in love with Clay. This makes her realize how evil Scarlet is and how horribly she treats her prisoners. Anyway now, in the eighth book Peril is no longer loyal to Scarlet and will do anything that she could ever possibly do to protect Clay. After Scarlet threatens Jade Mountain Academy, Peril realizes that the only thing that Clay wants, the only thing that will make Clay feel like he and his friends are safe, even if he will never admit it, is for Queen Scarlet to be killed. So Peril sets out to find the missing Queen and to kill her. Peril’s plan was to kill Scarlet immediately, without letting Scarlet talk her out of it. But things don't quite go as planned…

The Enchanted Files: Diary of a Mad Brownie

The Enchanted Files: Diary of a Mad Brownie

By Bruce Coville

When you find yourself smiling at the first few pages of any book, you know you're holding something special in your hands. "The Diary of the Mad Brownie" (part of the Enchanted Files) is one such book. It is filled with light-hearted humor and plenty of imagination, creativity, and fun to keep you laughing in the most unexpected moments. But as this book delves deeper, you will discover gentle reminders and morals about friendship, family, and the importances of promises.. there are several moments that will make you feel sorrow, or anger, or pity, or all the other emotions mixed in with joy that makes a book so special. This is a treat for any age (though I would recommend this book to ages 8-12..) Angus Cairns is a brownie - and not the kind you eat, nor a Girl Scout in a brown uniform. Nay, Angus Cairns is a genuine Scottish household brownie, and he is cursed to serve the youngest female (above the age of ten) in the McGonagall line because of his father, who made a foolish mistake way back in history. But is it a curse after all? Even though Angus (like any other sensible brownie) would much rather be human-free, he has taken a fondness to his mistress Sarah, who shares his same mischievousness and trickery in her heart. But alas - Sarah passes away, and Angus must leave his dear homeland of Scotland. He must travel through the Enchanted Realm in a short amount of time to his new land, America, where he must serve a new mistress, who goes by the name of Alex Carhart. Well, Angus Cairns' duty is to tidy up rooms and to serve his mistress, which seems easy enough. But after the tiring journey into America, Angus discovers that Alex is in possession of a MONSTER (a cat) and her room is a PIGSTY - way worse than a pigsty actually. And when he cleans everything up and makes it tidy as can be, she calls the POLICE? This is the first of many other unfortunate incidents between Alex and Angus Cairns. But once they get through all their differences and quarrels, they start to form a true friendship. But what happens when Alex's dad quits his job to become a songwriter (believe me, he is a horrible songwriter) and Angus learns WHAT exactly was the stupid mistake his dad made. And after the stupid mistake his dad made, the Shadow Queen cursed the McGonagall line to be horrible singers and writers.. and that the brownies can't be freed from this curse unless they rescue the Princess of Sunshine. Angus goes on a mission to save the Princess of Sunshine and therefore be free.. and accidentally drags Alex, Bennett, (Alex's brother who writes terrible poems), and Destiny (Alex's imaginative younger sister) for a wild adventure in the Enchanted Realm! Will they find the Princess of Sunshine or will they be doomed? Read this exciting, imaginative, and a roller-coaster of a ride book to find out! I like how this book was written in different formats, like diary for Angus and journal for Alex. I normally don't like when narrators switch frequently, but in this book, it was natural, it flowed, and it was a great addition. The characterization is great - these are characters that are REALLY fleshed out, that some people can relate to or have problems similar to these characters. The other supporting documents are really fun to read, and I like how there are modern things like text messages, in contrast with Angus' quite odd Scottish accent - which I found quirky and very charming. The author adds personal touches that can make readers connect with his writing and the characters, and the setting was very pleasant - I like how there are two main settings and some other backgrounds. I really think Bruce Coville scored a home run with this imaginative book - grade: A+

The Storybook of Legends

The Storybook of Legends

By Shannon Hale

This story keeps people wondering,what is going to happen next.It is enjoyable as well as very nicely written.It is mainly wrote around the perspective of Raven Queen(daughter of the Evil Queen) and Apple White(daughter of Snow White). The day of Legacy Day brings fear and joy to Apple`s mind. That day she will pledge her destiny,become the next Snow White and live her own Happily Ever After. On the other hand if Raven does not pledge to be the next Evil Queen and give Apple the poisoned apple it could mean a Happily Never After for both of them. The End is just the beginning...

A Map of Days (Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children)

A Map of Days (Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children)

By Ransom Riggs

A fabulously scary read, and a great addition to the Miss Peregrine books.

Fairy Dust And The Quest For The Egg

Fairy Dust And The Quest For The Egg

By Gail Carson; Illustrated by Christiana, David Levine


I like how this book shows that not all people and things are the same. I like how this book has just enough pictures and the pictures very are beautiful. This book is very magical and it gets my attention. I like how this book shows that Prilla is trying new things to find out her power. I like how this book shows that you should never ever give up and try new things. This book is very meaningful.

The Blood Of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus, Book 5)

The Blood Of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus, Book 5)

By Rick Riordan

The final battle. The one we've all been waiting for. Riordan once again does an absolutely, utterly fantastic job with giving the characters depth. The seven are all on board the Argo II, and are heading towards Rome to stop the end of the world. Jason, the blond Superman whose mother died when he was two, and went missing from his family that included Thalia Grace. His character isn't as fleshed out as the others, but what we do know: He's afraid of breaking the rules, doing the wrong thing that will eventually cause the end of the world. We can all relate to this; Jason is perfection that has taken on a human form. Percy, all of our faves. the one we know most, has played as a pawn for the Gods Of Olympus like Jason. After losing his memory thanks to Hera, he is part of the huge plan to unite the two camps. His fatal flaw is not being able to let his friends take a blow, and this will cost him soon enough. He wants nothing more than to enjoy a quiet life with Annabeth, but it looks like the Fates have a different idea in mind for him. Although he has lots of boiling emotions inside, he hides it with all of that slapstick humor on the outside. Which brings us to Leo. He's the dude that could possibly become the new favorite, constantly cracking jokes, building things, and making awesome tacos. He has a dark past, too. His mother died in a fire when he was young, and he has always felt resentment and hate against the Fates for that. But you couldn't possibly tell, with all of the constant wisecrackers he dishes out. He may be scrawny and a little too obsessed with mechanics, but in the end, he's a very lovable character. But he's the 7th wheel. He'll never be able to fit in, and that is what disturbs him a lot during the mission. Frank, the shapeshifter, the clumsy dude with the baby face. Looking at him, you wouldn't think that he's been through that much, but his mom died at war when he was small. Also, his life depends on a stick. That's what you get for being able to shapeshift like the definition of awesomeness. Annabeth is the wise girl, the tactician of the team. She ran away from her house at seven, and has constantly gotten more powerful and wiser since then. Only second to building and architecture than Leo, is able to get absorbed into the laptop Daedalus himself had given her, and like Percy, just wants to spend a quiet life with him. She's really annoyed at Hera for taking Percy away, and her resentment may be a danger to the team later. Hazel has been given a second chance at life and intends to use it to the fullest. But rescuing the world might mean dying again, and she is afraid of this. She's a brave warrior, nevertheless, with a sick cussing supersonic horse that can reach the speed of sound. Piper, the girl whose ashamed of her heritage. She never wanted to be a daughter of Aphrodite, and tries to downplay her beauty with eccentric styles. However, there's more to her story than just that. The world is at risk of ending, and everything she'd ever known and loved would be gone. And the fact that she can't exactly fight is also what she thinks makes her a misfit on her team. All she has is a charming voice, a blade that shows gruesome scenes, and a cornucopia that is hardly worthy of respect. She's afraid of failing her team, and not being able to participate the right way. And Nico, the 8th. He isn't exactly a part of their mission but he will be helping Reyna and Coach Hedge transport a mad golden statue, the Athena Parthenos, across the Atlantic, using his power of shadow travel. He's in danger of fading away, but he doesn't care what happens to him as long as he's able to save the world. Reyna, the girl that has experienced a lot of heartbreak. Hera transported Jason to the other camp without warning when she was trying to get him. And Percy turned her down when she proposed. "No demigod shall heal your heart", Aphrodite had said. And now she has to transport the Athena Parthenos across the Atlantic with Coach Hedge and Nico. But it's worth sacrificing her life to save the world. She is Roman to the core. And lastly, Coach Hedge, the violent satyr with a soft heart. His wife, a cloud nymph, is pregnant, and he is ready to save the world, no matter what comes in his way. All of these demigods (and a satyr) area brave group working to save the world together. They will do anything to save their precious world, even if it means sacrificing their lives. But will they also be able to stop the Romans in time as well as Gaea? Octavian poses a serious threat to them in addition to the Evil Mother Earth, and makes things even more difficult than anyone could have imagined. Riordan's best novel yet; it's a crackling page turner. Don't miss this one. 5/5!

The Land of Stories: Beyond the Kingdoms

The Land of Stories: Beyond the Kingdoms

By Chris Colfer

Alex Bailey might just be going insane! Not only does she think her dead father is the masked man, but she is unconcerned about the kidnap pings of innocent children. She even attacked the Fairy council with raging flames! Or... So they say. The masked man just may be their father's brother who wants to take over the universe and be using a magical potion to make an army of the worst literary villains in existence! Whew! That was a long sentence. When they have to jump into every book to stop this army from forming, again, the fate of the world is in their hands. With the help of their ragtag group of friends, Robin Hood, King Arthur, And Peter Pan, will their luck prevail or will they be stuck in the words of a book... Forever?

Once Upon the End (Half Upon a Time)

Once Upon the End (Half Upon a Time)

By James Riley

If you haven't read Half Upon a Time and Twice upon a time, this story will NOT make any sense. But it is the most epic grande finale I have ever read.

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