Kids Books - Folk

The Halloween Tree

The Halloween Tree

By Ray Bradbury

The book has so much description and figurative language that it can be distracting. We watched the animated movie, which helped with comprehension.

The Gingerbread Man

The Gingerbread Man

By Karen Schmidt

This book was terrrrrrrrrrrribbbbblllllllllle it kept reapeating its self over and over and over again it was annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoyyyyyyyyyying and the worst part is that it repeats the whole entire book at the freaking end I was so mad that I wasted my time reading that book its for babys anyway reaping books are 0 stars I hate them its like green eggs and ham!

Between the Lines

Between the Lines


this book has plot twists i dont want to spoil it but it is amazing

Mike Fink

Mike Fink

By Steven Kellogg


This book is great!

The Faithful Friend

The Faithful Friend

By Robert D San Souci

It is a really good picture book. It is about a boy who marries a girl and the boy has a friend. There are witches that are trying to kill the couple and if the friend tells he could die. And if he doesn't do anything, they will die. He is really faithful. You should read it. Really good



By Roland Smith

The book I read is called Sasquatch, it’s written by Roland Smith and is a fictional book. The book has a bit of adventure, action, and mystery behind it. The book Sasquatch is mainly about a boy named Dylan whose life was not the same after his dad was on a hunting trip and came back stranger than he was before. After his mom left for Egypt, Dylan and his father were involved in what turned into a crazy adventure. I really liked this book and how it turned out to be a fantastic story that made events lead to other events. The authors writing- style in the book is vary descriptive and well presented. The ending of my book wasn't that bad and left me hoping for a sequel to the book. I really enjoyed this book and think anyone that enjoy a book of action, adventure, and mystery would love the book Sasquatch.

The Lost Children

The Lost Children

By Carolyn Cohagan

It's a little spooky but if you remember things from the beginning you'll love it! It has a lot of information so make sure to read it all!

The Kings of Clonmel: Book 8 (Ranger's Apprentice)

The Kings of Clonmel: Book 8 (Ranger's Apprentice)

By John A. Flanagan


Before I start, I'd like to say that the Rangers Apprentice is my favorite series! I got to say, although this book was really good, it wasn't one of my favorites because it wasn't as suspenseful as it normally is. It certainly didn't hook me as much, but it was still better than a lot of other books from different series!! It was really clever how he set it up with the Outsiders and all of that - the ideas were amazing! And I really loved the book overall, it just took me a little longer to read because it didn't make me want to keep reading - I mean, just at certain points for this particular book I kind of wanted to take a break, which isn't usually like me with the Ranger's Apprentice. I'll still give it 5 stars because it's a RANGERS APPRENTICE and all the books are just SO good!! And this one was too, it just wasn't the best out of all of them, if you know what I mean. But it was really smart how he set up the whole plot and story, and I think by the end I was hooked, just in the middle I got a little lost. Anyways, you should still read this book because it is REALLY GOOD!!! I'm in the middle of Book 9 right now (at a super suspenseful part, so I like HAVE to keep reading... NO SPOILERS!!!) :P

Star Darlings Sage and the Journey to Wishworld

Star Darlings Sage and the Journey to Wishworld

By Shana Muldoon Zappa, Ahmet Zappa

all i am going to say is been there done that loved it and got the t shrit

Star Darlings Libby and the Class Election

Star Darlings Libby and the Class Election

By Shana Muldoon Zappa, Ahmet Zappa

this book is way better than the first one and thats all i gotta say

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