Mike Fink

Mike Fink

By Steven Kellogg

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Mike Fink, the larger-than-life hero of one of America's favorite tall tales, was the most daring and rugged frontiersman on any American river.

A runaway at two days old, Mike eventually grew up to be King of the Keelboatmen--the strong, rowdy men who floated cargo downriver to New Orleans and poled their heavy boats back against the current. But first he became a crackerjack marksman with his gun, Bang All, then grappled with grizzlies, and defeated Jack Carpenter, the reigning Keelboat King, in an epic wrestling match. No man, alligator, or snapping turtle could outdo the mighty Mike Fink-that is, until Hilton P. Blathersby and his powerful smoke-spewing steamboat came along!

In zesty prose and exuberant, richly colored pictures, Steven Kellogg captures all the fun and adventure of America's most famous ring-tailed roarer and river wrestler.

Publisher: HarperCollins
ISBN-13: 9780688135775
ISBN-10: 0688135773
Published on 5/27/1998
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 48

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Jeffery Jeffery

This book is great!