Kids Books - Fiction

Swallows and Amazons

Swallows and Amazons


It is supposed to be really good but I don't know...........

Wayside School Is Falling Down

Wayside School Is Falling Down

By Louis Sachar

Wayside School is a very weird and funny place to learn . It was supposed to be built horizontally but it was made vertical by mistake! One day, Louis, the yard teacher, had to send a heavy box to the thirtieth story, Miss Jewls' class. He walked and walked until the thirtieth story and gave it to Miss Jewls. it was a computer and she threw it all the way down to show the class what gravity is!

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay

By J.K. Rowling

Ooooookay, here goes nothing… Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them (FBAWTFT) was a novel (or script) that I loved/enjoyed. It was nowhere near Harry Potter and The Cursed Child, which was a complete disappointment… No, this is not the Cursed Child anymore because IT IS WRITTEN BY NO OTHER THAN THE AUTHOR HERSELF, JK ROWLING. Pheeeew…. This novel was AMAZING, it was surreal. I loved how JK Rowling based the whole thing on your knowledge of Harry Potter. Ex- Nifflers, Muggles, Ministry Of Magic, etc. ***Characters*** Newt Scamander is nearing the nickname, Lana’s Little Nugget Part 2, right after Ron Weasley. He is such a fragile little person, but ironically he is a full grown adult. I’ll give you a moment to think about that. Tina and Newt were the PERFECT duo. What I loved about this pair is because they love each other… as friends. They care about each other, and they do not fall in love like the typical boy and girl pair. Jacob was a very nice played character. I really liked how JK Rowling included a non-magic person. It was special because Jacob stayed and helped Newt and Tina even though he is not fighting his own battle. Doesn’t make sense? I don’t get it either. Queenie was… interesting. I’ve read about legilimency before in the Harry Potter films. But I’ve never read about a person that can do it so well. Did Voldemort do it well? I don’t think JK Rowling mentioned any of that. Hey! Person that didn’t read this book, this next paragraph contains spoilers…BEWARE….. Credence seems like a not-important-just-ignore-me-constantly-showing-up-kind-of-character. I just feel that he is misunderstood, not evil. In the movie, it shows that Senator Shaw picked up a paper that he dropped and said, Go put this in the garbage where you belong. And then, KABOOOOM. Senator Shaw is dead. Then, Marie Lou threatens him and, BOOM! She is dead. Lesson: Never annoy random squibs that are harnessing their powers. Okay, spoilers are done. You can uncover your eyes. Wait, no I am lying. Just a bit… Graves was…intimidating. Who’ve guessed that he was BEEP,BEEP,BEEP Grindelwald? But, they do have the same hair style so, should I say I saw it coming? Spoilers are done, please sit back in your seat and stop running around like an ostrich. In all, the novel was pretty good. (Oh, and the movie too). Both of these got a solid 4 stars from moi. Until next time, I’ll cry so JK Rowling can write yet another fantastic (beasts) novel.

Ogres of Ohio (American Chillers (Prebound))

Ogres of Ohio (American Chillers (Prebound))

By Johnathan Rand

this book is really good i would suggest it for people that like to read to their class or just to read in their free time. this book is about a girl that is just moving to a different city in Ohio with her family, when she starts moving their things inside her mom said she can choose the first room because, her brother is at their grandparents' house for the weekend. She finds a room with a light in it but their electricity isn't on yet so she checks out the room and the light disappeared. so she shut the door and the light appeared again, so she bent down and looked in the door under the crack and tried to see what was there. Then she flung open the door and saw dust go through door at other end of room and the light disappeared again, she went to look at door across room and ripped off boards and saw door with engraving that said," danger do not enter." Finally, she felt claws on her back and started to yell and turned around and it was her brother, the door opened as they tried to go out room and turned around and saw a whole different world.

A Nest for Celeste: A Story About Art, Inspiration, and the Meaning of Home

A Nest for Celeste: A Story About Art, Inspiration, and the Meaning of Home

By Henry Cole

This book is from the point of view from a mouse named Celeste. Celeste is trying to find a new home. Along the way Celeste makes many new friends and an enemy. In the end Celeste finally finds a home. Overall this book is alright and full of wonderful pencil sketches on almost every page.

School of Fear 3: The Final Exam

School of Fear 3: The Final Exam

By Gitty Daneshvari


Now that Hy-Hy and Celery have told Sylvie about school of fear, Sylvie is trying to make a news winning article about the school. The only way to make that work is by convicing Abernathy to like Ms.Wellington, which is really hard. So they go meet Basmati, a crazy man who is always opposite. The only way he will help them is if the kids find Toothpaste, his canary. Wnt to see what happens next? Buy the book at your local book store! I think Gitty Daneshvari should make a 4th book, how about you? Please comment or reply!!!!

The Ghost Sitter

The Ghost Sitter

By Peni R. Griffin

The Ghost Sitter is cry-worthy and satisfying. Susie has lived in the same house for fifty years after her family moved away. As family after family move in, she becomes more lonely and stars to spend more and more time as the "babysitter". More like the ghost sitter. Then Charlotte's family moves in! After hearing the tales of the ghost, Charlotte decides to try to communicate. Ghost's can't harm you, right? Only problem is, what if the ghost doesn't know what they are? --BKS

Last Shot (A Final Four Mystery)

Last Shot (A Final Four Mystery)

By John Feinstein

It is kind of a good book.

The Extraordinary Adventures of Ordinary Boy, Book 1: The Hero Revealed

The Extraordinary Adventures of Ordinary Boy, Book 1: The Hero Revealed

By William Boniface

Well first i thought it was boring. Then i started loving it. It's just about a ordinary kid. expect for the fact that every one is a superhero. Except for Oboy, (thats what real fans call him.) ,he has no power what so ever. He says how every baby doesn't take long to show there superpower. For example. If the baby starts floating they will call him/her floating baby, older Floating Boy/Girl, even older, Floating man/Woman. you get the picture. some parents of kids come up silly names of the book. Its funny really.

Ninth Grade Slays (Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, Book 2)

Ninth Grade Slays (Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, Book 2)

By Heather Brewer

Vladimir Tod is back and he is now in Ninth grade and it is gonna be an interesting year. . . Bill & Ton are still total jerks/ Bullies (Which I so don't get vlad is totally awesome.). Henry is still his best friend and he is now a "Drudge" (meaning basically Vlad can control Henry easy, read the first book) Henrys cousin Joss is coming to stay (🤔) for awhile. He and Vlad hit it of pretty good and easily become friends. Oh and can't forget about about the photographer of the school newspaper notices Vlads purple shine in his eyes and becomes a little suspicious/scared. Otis, Vlads Uncle, invites him to come to Siberia and train and connects with other vampires. And with all this happening can Vlad recognize the vampire slayer that's hunting or why he is hunting him or even find out who hired the slayer? Absolutely Amazing Book! I couldn't stop reading, I love the mix of humor and the characters are so life-like. Anyways thanks for reading - Ajg15's Reviews 🤓✍

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