Kids Books - Adventure Books

The Power Of Six (I Am Number Four (Paperback))

The Power Of Six (I Am Number Four (Paperback))

By Pittacus Lore

The book The Power of Six was a really good book that I ever read in the Lorien Legacies



By Darren Shan

Overall I think this story is much better than the last one but still a little bit disappointing in some parts. I really like how the story developed and how it’s much more detailed. In the last book, the atmosphere of the story is really bored and flow of the story is slow, the author didn’t really mention anything about how human survived and what humans are doing, instead the author start the story by random zombies showing up. In this book, I found a lot about the past of those characters and their broken memories, the author gives more detailed information about the cause and effect of the story lines. The best part about the book is that it talks about the actions and history of the characters.

The Boy Who Spoke Dog

The Boy Who Spoke Dog

By Clay Morgan

This book didn't have the most interesting plot until the end, but it also leaves you hanging, and wishing that Jack had made it back to the island. I hope there is a sequel or I will be very disappointed.

Margaret and the Moth Tree

Margaret and the Moth Tree

By Kari Trogen, Brit Trogen

This is a very popular book, and an amazing one too. Margaret is a girl orphan whose parents died when she was very young. She was forced to live in her uncle's house, and she learned how to listen there. She didn't just pay attention, she listened so well that she could her mice talking in walls, tree leaves rustling outside. If she listened hard enough, she could even hear the sun's rays. Margaret was living a sorrow, quiet life, until her uncle died and she moved to the orphanage. The orphanage seemed like a safe haven for Margaret at a first glance. Children playing, wonderful food and luxuries beyond your dreams. The secret was, as soon as a guest left, the whole orphanage was "switched". Ms. Switch, the orphanage's master is a cruel, terrible woman who hurts children all she wants. Leaving girls out in lightning storms, pushing kids out windows and much more. Margaret is forced into silence once more, until her hearing abilities work again. She meets the moths outside in a tree behind the orphanage. Margaret meets Pip, and they become the best of friends. Margaret finds peace with the moths, and she learns their ways. Then, when things at the orphanage go out of control Margaret and the moths hatch a plan to make Ms.Switch surrender…and more to happen. Funny, tragic and sorrow, this book will make you feel like there's a world out there, much different from the one your in. This novel is carefully planned out and will blow your mind. It will make you truly see into characters' pasts, and make you learn to listen.

The Curse of Deadman's Forest (Oracles of Delphi Keep)

The Curse of Deadman's Forest (Oracles of Delphi Keep)

By Victoria Laurie


the curse of the deadmans forest is a very good book and i recommend this book. it's about a boy who lives in an orphanage with two really good friends and a sister and they go on a buch of missions that are super dangerous. it's funny and wants you to keep reading it!

Free Again (Phantom Stallion (Pb))

Free Again (Phantom Stallion (Pb))

By Terri Farley

awesome cool fun book

The Runaway Princess

The Runaway Princess

By Kate Coombs

It gets really exciting and really funny.(if u understand what is said)

Skybreaker (Airborn)

Skybreaker (Airborn)

By Kenneth Oppel

After a near death and sighting of the legendary ship Hyperion,lost at air 40 years ago,a boy has no choice but to find it.With pirates on there tails and on a odd crew destined for the supposed gold on the ship,thijavascript:void(0)s amazing story is always at a climax.

Broken Promises (Silver Dolphins)

Broken Promises (Silver Dolphins)

By Summer Waters

this book is awesome and i have it lol

Captain Awesome and the Ultimate Spelling Bee

Captain Awesome and the Ultimate Spelling Bee

By Stan Kirby

Matthew Edwards

This book is amazing because Captian Awsome trys to win the second-grade spelling bee against Miss Stinky Pinky.

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