Kids Books - Adventure Books

Geronimo Stilton #57: The Stinky Cheese Vacation

Geronimo Stilton #57: The Stinky Cheese Vacation

By Geronimo Stilton

the stinky cheese vacation book was AWESOME the characters in the book were Geronimo Stilton Geronimo Stiltons uncle Samuel S.Stingysnout Thea trap and Hercule Poirat .I have read lots of geronimo stilton books and they all feel so exciting I loved this book!

Carly the Schoolfriend Fairy: Special (Rainbow Magic)

Carly the Schoolfriend Fairy: Special (Rainbow Magic)

By Daisy Meadows

this book was fab.the book was mostly about getting three items the items were a pouch to put teeth in a coin to give the person that lost the tooth and a ring. And there were goblins trying to steal the three items and the leader of the goblins was jack frost .This was the 30th book I have read of the rain bow magic fairy's it was awesome

The Merchant of Death (Pendragon (Pb))

The Merchant of Death (Pendragon (Pb))

By D J MacHale

A great start for the series, danger and action lie around every corner. Don't let the book fool you when there are easy times...It'll just get a lot harder!

Sting: A Loot Novel

Sting: A Loot Novel

By Jude Watson

The four friends (March, Jules, Dariua and Izzy) from the book "Loot" are back again in this exciting book. March and his friends were retired living in a apartment building that they bought entirely and study still have almost 20 million from there last heist. Only problem is Hamish (March's dead dad Alfie's close friend) really wants them to steal a diamond for him - the 4 have no choice but to agree to help since he did a lot for them on there last heist. The heist goes good except for the fact that they now have ruthless criminals that go by the name "Top Cat" after the heist they realize they stole the "Morning Glory" one of three cursed gems. Once again they go through a crazy set of heist because there fortune has been stolen by there "Banker" ... This was a dramatic, exciting, book full of even more friendship then the last one. Recommended to 12+ Thanks for reading -Ajg16's reviews

A Whisper of Horses

A Whisper of Horses

By Zillah Bethell

Serendipity's mom died, and around the time she did she starting noticing... horses. Not real ones, just statues. The horses had died out with the Gases. Now Serendipity lives in Lahn Dan, a walled in city made for no one to get out, with the mean Minster ruling over them. One day Serendipity finds a necklace hidden in a mattress from her mother. She finds out it has a map that could lead to horses in Wales. On her trip a friend The Professor helps her, and a boy named Tab with a dog named Mouse. With the Minster and his men after her, can Serendipity get out of Lahn Dan? Can she find horses or did they all die out? This was a very good book. And I recommend it for 5th to 8th graders,



By Chris Wooding

I think this book could be a great book but I (in my opinion) just couldn't get into it but I really tried and got about halfway through. So basically some boys and there classmates were out looking for bugs for a school assignment when they found a really weird Beatle and after there teacher examined the bug they all noticed it had a sorta silver metal look to it. Have they discovered a new species... Or have they found something terrible? Try this book out maybe you will like it! Thanks for reading -Ajg16's reviews

The Worst Class Trip Ever

The Worst Class Trip Ever

By Dave Barry

The Worst Class Field Trip Ever Dave Berry Have you ever been on a class field trip? Well in this book Wyatt and Matt (protagonists) leave with their class to Washington DC from Miami Florida. All Wyatt wants to do is not let Matt embarrass him in front of his crush Suzan (another protagonist), On the plane there they see these weird guys and Matt messed up, big time. Matt thought the in weird guys backpack there was a bomb but it was a giant paper mache dragon head. The next day they see them at the White House sneaking around, they see Matt and Wyatt and start chasing them, But they made it to their bus in time. On my the bus on the way back to the hotel Matt tells Wyatt that he stole something that he thought was a bomb detonator (conflict). That night the weird guys come to there hotel room and kidnap Matt! (conflict) Luckily Suzan had kept it in her purse, after Cameron (a kid in Wyatt's hotel room, also a protagonist) has his dad that tell him it's a jammer (jams missiles to go to unwanted targets) they think the guys plan to bomb the White House. They try and form a plan to save the president and the White House.(turning point) They are also trying to save Matt but will they ever see him again? I really recommend this book to EVERYONE. The protagonists are the ones mentioned before and someone you don't expect. The antagonist is another person you won't expect, if I tell you who they are it will ruin the whole book for you. Another conflict is where they have is at the end where there is an epic showdown at the White House again don't want give anything away. Like I said before I would recommend this book to everyone and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

The Old Man and the Sea

The Old Man and the Sea

By Ernest Hemingway

I think the book The Old Man and The Sea is a very interesting book as it tells the story of struggle between wanting something, but at the sametime doesn’t want to hurt it. The old man went on a journal to hunt the biggest fish, throughout his journey, he came across different kind of difficulties and realizations. I like this book because it gives a feeling of both loneliness and the at the sametime mysteriousness of the magic power of sea. The best part is that the old man's words are often really deep that you need to think over, and I really like the feeling of the way it was written. It also gives a feeling of the calmness when you stare at the sea. I recommend students in 3rd or 4th grade to read it, but I think even if you are a high school student, this book will be interesting to you too.

Space Taxi: Archie Takes Flight

Space Taxi: Archie Takes Flight

By Wendy Mass, Michael Brawer

Archie Morningstar has waited 8 years, 8 months, and 8 days for Take Your Kid To Work Day. His dad is a taxi driver ( or is he ) and tells Archie he's in for a BIG adventure. Many things happen, like how Archie finds out his dad is a space taxi driver, he can read special space maps, helps the space police, gets a space cat called Pockets who helps them go on space missions, and more! I think this story is great for people who can read slightly hard books.

Space Taxi: Archie's Alien Disguise

Space Taxi: Archie's Alien Disguise

By Wendy Mass, Michael Brawer

Archie Morningstar goes on his third exciting adventure in space to the planet Tri-Dark to save a princess from the evil organization B.U.R.P.. First, Archie and his father get turned into aliens for a disguise, Pockets the cat gets cat-napped by a person from B.U.R.P., and more! This is a great sequel to the first and second books of the series.

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