The Blood Of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus, Book 5)

The Blood Of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus, Book 5)

By Rick Riordan

371 ratings 1196 reviews 612 followers
Book 5 of 5 in the  The Heroes of Olympus Series
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 3 - 6n/a5.2111748

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Though the Greek and Roman crew members of the Argo II have made progress in their many quests, they still seem no closer to defeating the earth mother, Gaea. Her giants have risen - all of them - and they're stronger than ever. They must be stopped before the Feast of Spes, when Gaea plans to have two demigods sacrificed in Athens.

Publisher: Thorndike Press
ISBN-13: 9781410472861
ISBN-10: 1410472868
Published on 10/8/2014
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 648

Book Reviews (769)

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When is this coming out?

I think this october

dj dj

rick let us and percy go to tartorus end of clif hanger

I haven't read any


I want to, but I get distracted, and

I've read the whole series of that type of book

what do you mean?

it's taking a while to come out

That's 'cuz Uncle Rick just LOVES to torture us. (Yep, still not over the end of MoA.)

Me neither. I told my friend about that cliff hanger and she was like, "Why would he do that to you??"

What does MoA mean???

Why is the A always capital?

Because she's a goddess, !

And because it's the title of the book.


I'm all out of books, does anyone have any good books for me? :)

Wonder, Trading Places, A Wrinkle in Time, and The Harry Potter Series.

depending on how old you are Legend and Divergent are really good

Have you read the Underland Chronicles?

STONE FOX!!!! I tell people to read it, and so far, no more comments. This is a pretty sad book but really good at the end. READ it!!

Tesla's Attic (it's featured) is good, and the Blood Guard is like Percy Jackson - I got to read it beause I am an advance reviewer for DOGObooks and they sent me a copy - but its coming out in a few weeks so you will be able to buy it soon

Is it related to this book coming out at all? Have you read this book?

madi madi

I cant wait for it to come out these books have had me hooked since the first one Seriously i love them so much that they only take me a day to read got a serious case of book loving fever and it cant be cured

Madeline Madeline

How can you tell if Nico di Angelo dies?

Sooo excited! Sooo excited!

Omg I can't wait!!!! It is so far away!!! Like 8 more months! I reading the series over again, from The Lightning Thief to House of Hades.

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