laurenw's Activity (2860)

  • rozeb
    rozeb added a book review.
    The Elite is super good, as are the other two. I don't want to spoil any of these books for you, they are so awesome, so I apologize for the very vague reviews, I just don't really want to spoil them for you. You'll just have to take my word for this: YOU HAVE TO READ THESE! Although I do not recommend for people younger than 11.
    Almost 10 years ago
  • rozeb
    rozeb added a book review.
    ALERT! THERE WILL BE SPOILERS IN THIS BOOK REVIEW, SO IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THIS BOOK YET, DO NOT READ THE REVIEW. AWESOME BOOK! Although so sad. I completely thought that Maxon was going to die. (He doesn't.) I wish the queen could have lived to see her son get married. She would have loved that it was America, I just know she would have. I can't believe her dad died! So sad! The queen and her dad should have lived, but this isn't supposed to be a perfect society in this book.
    Almost 10 years ago
  • rozeb
    rozeb added a book review.
    Just gonna say that it wasn't the best book in the world. I mean, seriously? The author tried to make a cliffhanger ending, but really? I don't think(no offense) that she did a very good job. I was a bit disappointed. It was very well written, but way too well explained if that makes any sense. I thought it would be better, just to say.
    Almost 10 years ago
  • rozeb
    rozeb replied to a comment in
    I loved both the Hunger games and divergent, but for some reason didn't like this one alot. The Selection I liked a lot better.
    Almost 10 years ago
  • rozeb
    rozeb replied to a comment in
    Actually, the editors were going to make Elsa the villain, but then they came up with Let it Go, and they decided it would be better if she wasn't, because then they could teach kids about just letting go and being who they want to be. Frozen was a first for a lot of things, including that Ella knew that she didn't need a prince to be happy. How did I know this? I do research...
    Almost 10 years ago
  • rozeb
    rozebliked a comment in Matched.
    It was a great book, however it was a bit excessively long and it was sorta hard to follow because it switched point of views sometimes.
    Almost 10 years ago
  • rozeb
    rozeb has read this book.
    Almost 10 years ago
  • rozeb
    rozeb has read this book.
    Almost 10 years ago
  • rozeb
    rozeb has read this book.
    By Kiera Cass
    Almost 10 years ago
  • rozeb
    rozeb added a new comment in
    Now this article should be on all time. Ill comment a few more times just to make sure.
    Almost 10 years ago

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