National Geographic Kids Book Club

10640 comments 8541 members 24 books

This ultimate survival guide transports you back in time to the golden age of pirates, when fearsome captains like Barbarossa and Blackbeard made the rules. Find out if you have what it takes to sail through this ruthless world of cutthroats and renegades—if you dare!

In this handy guide, you’ll learn how to prepare for such pitfalls—or avoid them entirely! You’ll find a rogue’s gallery to help you recognize the most fearsome pirates; maps of key pirate hideaways; tips on how to talk like a pirate; what to do if you fall overboard; and much more. This book is the ultimate resource for daring adventurers who want to know what life was really like during the golden age of piracy!

New Books (12 books)

How to Survive in the Age of Pirates: A Handy Guide to Swashbuckling Adventures, Avoiding Deadly Diseases, and Escapin G the Ruthless Renegades of the High Seas
National Geographic Kids Almanac 2025
National Geographic Kids Sharks Sticker Activity Book: Over 1,000 Stickers! (NG Sticker Activity Books)
Explorer Academy Vela: The Sailor Cipher (Book 1)
Ultimate Bugopedia, 2nd Edition: The Most Complete Bug Reference Ever
Yes! No? Maybe So...: Amazing Answers to More Than 250 Mind-Blowing Questions
Can't Get Enough Cat Stuff: Fun Facts, Awesome Info, Cool Games, Silly Jokes, and More!
Weird but True! Know-It-All: U.S. Government
Deadliest Animals on the Planet
Weird But True! Disney: 300 Wonderful Facts to Celebrate the Magic of Disney
Ultimate Mammalpedia
The Ultimate Book of Reptiles: Your guide to the secret lives of these scaly, slithery, and spectacular creatures!

More Fun Books (12 books)

National Geographic Kids Personality Quizzes
Greeking Out: Epic Retellings of Classic Greek Myths
National Geographic Kids Beginner's U.S. Atlas 4th Edition (The National Geographic Kids)
How to Survive in the Age of Dinosaurs: A handy guide to dodging deadly predators, riding out mega-monsoons, and escaping other perils of the prehistoric
Critter Chat: World Wild Web
Can't Get Enough Horse Stuff
1,000 Facts About Space
Can't Get Enough Dog Stuff
Not-So-Common Cents: Super Duper Important Facts About Money You Can't Afford to Miss
Zeus the Mighty: The Voyage on the Oddest Sea (Book 5)
National Geographic Kids Puzzle Book of the Ocean
Why? The Human Body

Comments (10640)

Hello everyone! I would like to give a shoutout to two very special and kind people…@deafgirlhistory and @doggiechristmas!!! @deafgirlhistory, you’re one of my best friends on here and I love that we joined DOGO around the same time! And @doggiechristmas, thank you for being so kind and cheerful! I really appreciate it! That’s all folks! Have a very happy weekend!

Omg tysm! Thanks so much for a shoutout! I really appreciate it! And for @doggiechristmas, she literally deserve the shoutout! 😃 Again, tysm!

Heyy! I'm back from my long slumber! What's up!? What y'all reading? I'm reading Check and Mate and the Shatter Me series currently. Would recommend Shatter Me for sure!

Omigoshh, I loveee the shatter me series!!! Soo good

YES! I just finished yesterday actually! *****SPOILER ALERT******* Love the Juliaaron!

I’m also reading a trilogy called Arc of a Scythe (almost done with the last book)!

AHhh! I’m reading Shatter Me, too! Just recently finished the first book, so I’m on Unravel Me now!!! Which book are you on?

Are you reading with the novellas or without? I'm reading with them! Some of them aren't very good (Shadow Me) but some are pretty interesting (Destroy Me) Are you rooting for Adam or Warner? I personally liked Adam in book one, but now I like Warner better!

Yea, I’m reading the novellas. I was also rooting for Adam in the first book, but he kinda became over-protective and jealous to the point of possessiveness… So I’m Warnette now lol

OK, I JUST FINISHED!!!!!!!! This is a FREAKING ⭐⭐SERIES! Are you on Ignite Me yet?

Almost T-T, I've barely had ANY time to read this week! I'm so busy with school homework and I've also had several competitions. I will try to finish Unravel Me and start Ignite Me today...

Welcome back!! I'm currently reading Mirror Mirror: A Twisted Tale. Also thanks for the recommendation!

Oh, I started reading that but I didn't have enough time to finish it! How are you liking it?

I just finished it, and I really enjoyed it! I don't know if it is one of my favorites in the series, but it was really good. Now I'm starting Straight on Till Morning!

Oh! I've seen that one! I'll have to check it out! I just got "Mirror, Mirror", so I'm excited!

Yay, you’re back!!! I just finished reading “So This Is Love” by Elizabeth Lim which is my fav book of all time! Also, I am working on a civics project in history, a research paper in English, and a STEM project in science so I am super busy but I’m really enjoying it! How about you? 🙃

Oh my gosh I just finished that book!! I loved it so much!!

Really?! Me too, it hands down my absolute favorite book! Every time I read it, I get in to a total daydreaming, just dreaming about meeting my own Prince Charles one day! 🥰

We're finally writing poems in RLA, and we're going to have a Texas history test soon, as well more Math(ugh). Do you have to do the MAP test at your school?

Oh, wow, that's a lot of tests! Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great! I don't take the MAP test but I take another standardized testing test (I forgot the name of it) but I take that in April, so I've got time thankfully!

No, it's a national test. I think it's called Pearson!

I haven’t done a shoutout in a REALLY long time, but I would like to give one to @dogman for being kind and one of our new members!

I think that these people are so nice and sweet and I want to thank them for making my life so nice and these people are @cupid-virgo and @summer-curve

Ok so I have a big shout out going to.....@dogman7 for being so kind and I am so glad to have you apart of the Dogo news community!!

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