National Geographic Kids Book Club

10640 comments 8541 members 24 books

This ultimate survival guide transports you back in time to the golden age of pirates, when fearsome captains like Barbarossa and Blackbeard made the rules. Find out if you have what it takes to sail through this ruthless world of cutthroats and renegades—if you dare!

In this handy guide, you’ll learn how to prepare for such pitfalls—or avoid them entirely! You’ll find a rogue’s gallery to help you recognize the most fearsome pirates; maps of key pirate hideaways; tips on how to talk like a pirate; what to do if you fall overboard; and much more. This book is the ultimate resource for daring adventurers who want to know what life was really like during the golden age of piracy!

New Books (12 books)

How to Survive in the Age of Pirates: A Handy Guide to Swashbuckling Adventures, Avoiding Deadly Diseases, and Escapin G the Ruthless Renegades of the High Seas
National Geographic Kids Almanac 2025
National Geographic Kids Sharks Sticker Activity Book: Over 1,000 Stickers! (NG Sticker Activity Books)
Explorer Academy Vela: The Sailor Cipher (Book 1)
Ultimate Bugopedia, 2nd Edition: The Most Complete Bug Reference Ever
Yes! No? Maybe So...: Amazing Answers to More Than 250 Mind-Blowing Questions
Can't Get Enough Cat Stuff: Fun Facts, Awesome Info, Cool Games, Silly Jokes, and More!
Weird but True! Know-It-All: U.S. Government
Deadliest Animals on the Planet
Weird But True! Disney: 300 Wonderful Facts to Celebrate the Magic of Disney
Ultimate Mammalpedia
The Ultimate Book of Reptiles: Your guide to the secret lives of these scaly, slithery, and spectacular creatures!

More Fun Books (12 books)

National Geographic Kids Personality Quizzes
Greeking Out: Epic Retellings of Classic Greek Myths
National Geographic Kids Beginner's U.S. Atlas 4th Edition (The National Geographic Kids)
How to Survive in the Age of Dinosaurs: A handy guide to dodging deadly predators, riding out mega-monsoons, and escaping other perils of the prehistoric
Critter Chat: World Wild Web
Can't Get Enough Horse Stuff
1,000 Facts About Space
Can't Get Enough Dog Stuff
Not-So-Common Cents: Super Duper Important Facts About Money You Can't Afford to Miss
Zeus the Mighty: The Voyage on the Oddest Sea (Book 5)
National Geographic Kids Puzzle Book of the Ocean
Why? The Human Body

Comments (10640)

Big shoutout to...........@doggiechristmas!!! TY for following and I just wanted you to know I followed back! Sry everyone for being sooooo unactive, i was on vacay! :) OMG i got soo much stuff! 1.A supercute stitch blankie 2.a winnie the pooh snow globe 3.a disney character mug 4.a disney necklace 5.a disney headband 6.a disney 2023 magnet 7.a huge dumbo plushie 8.a winnie the pooh plushie 9.piglet figurene 10.a cinnamoroll supercute keychain with a duck costume 11.mickey sweatshirt 12.a disney pillow (so soft!) 13.BFF disney bracelet for my BFF's! 14.A cute bee earring 15.3 disney princess designer dolls(Elsa, Ariel, Anna) 16.2 disney paintings(lilo and stitch, and cinderella's castle) much more! (btw i spent exactly $1,073 in disneyworld shopping!) ye, i spent a lot 😅 ...tata!

Thanks for the shoutout, and your welcome for following you, and thanks for following me back! Hope you had fun!

I'm already following you but, I hope you reach your goal!🙌

CONGRATS! u have 100 followers! :)

Hey there, everyone! Well, I just have like very important question to ask for you guys...! Well, my family/friends always says that I DON`T have any`s like I`m a fearless! But I do have one, just one fear which always bother me since I was about 5. I have a fear/phobia what is called Arachnophobia, a fear of spiders... Small, teensy spiders usually doesn`t even bother me at all but if I sees GAINT spiders...I tend to scream and then run away from that spider, lol! So, I`m wondering if you guys also have different kinds of fears or same as mine. Thanks for now!

I used to be afraid of spiders, but I have gotten better. Just remember that if you don't bother them, they won't bother you. I have an unusual fear of blowing up balloons, since I am scared that they will pop in my face!

Hello, bestie! Spiders are such a pain; I know why you would be scared of them! Um, I have a lot of phobias but maybe my worst is my fear of bees and wasps. I literally go crazy when I hear one, let alone see one. It's like a light switch goes off and I can't even move. It's so frustrating!! 🙄 To help with your fear of spiders, I would just suggest being calm when around them. That has really helped me with wasps and I hope it helps you! 😜

Hello! Yeah, sometimes having the fear as mine is such a pain!!! That`s crazy that you have fears of bees and wasps! I usually like to watch bees or wasps, haha! But thanks for an advice, that`s would helps me a lot! 😲

Right?! I can't believe you actually like bees!! 😂 I think they hate me just as much as I hate them! And you're welcome, I hope it helps!

I like the honey, and the honey comes from bees, and I like bees...crazy, right?! 🤣

Haha! Well, yeah, I rarely ever says exactly like that sometimes just to outsmart my older sister or my mom, haha! 🤣

Haha! That`s would be super funny to see their reactions! 😅

I have a BIG fear of bees, wasps and hornets. I know bees are good for the earth but they just freak me out for some reason 😖

Ohhhh yikes! Giant spiders usually bothers me a lot but not SMALL spiders....!

hi! I have a fear of spiders, too! When I was about to take a bath in my bathroom, there was a teeny tiny spider on the table, and I RAN FOR MY LIFE OUTTA THERE ye, i have a big fear of spiders... :) I have a fear of spiders, bugs, any kind of insects, (yes, also butterlflies,) heights, dropping from extreme heights, when my hair is super messy in the morning,(which doesn't really happen or my family has a fear of ME lol) sharks, tight spaces, dying with no-one knowing, nightmares about voldemort...and a bunch more...u must be really brave! :)

@elena_rose936 we have like exactly the same fears hah!! I'm scared of almost all bugs 😬

Omg....that`s crazy!!! I love extreme heights....a lot, haha!!! But thanks for relpying!

omg! did u ever go to disneyland? There's this ride called "The Guardians Of The Galaxy" and it goes up and straight down.....if u ever go there u should definetly try the ride! 😬

No, I did not go Disneyland, yet! But would put it on my vacation wishlist! But thanks for a suggestion about the ride!

Same, I really hate creepy-crawlies in general. You're not alone!

Glad to know that I`m not alone with this kind of fear/phobia!

Pretty much everyone here has different kinds of fear/phobias...!

Haha, well, i sorta have the same thing. I hate insects. There are a few exceptions like lady bugs, but the rest I am not a fan of, at least not in an enclosed space. The problem is, i feel sorry for them if i squish it. Aaand so i always end up in a dilemma.

Yeah, true! But sometimes when I sees giant spiders...I sometimes just scream then kill it....yeah, that`s usually makes me feel better...don`t blame me, lol!

bruh i cant kill a spider 😅 not like i cared about spiders, but that they look too creepy...

So true! It`s like I can`t kill that spider but somehow I sometimes just kill it.... Seriously, my brain, are you fearless or just blank?????

Oh, I sort-of kinda have Melissophobia, which is also known as apiphobia, which is fear of bees. Like I literally freak out when I see one. I don’t really know why, because I know they don’t sting you unless you do harm to them. So…. Also, my cousin has Arachnophobia, too.

I didn't know so many people had a fear of bees, I thought I was the only one!!!

Oh, well that`s kinda sounds crazy! But anyway, thanks for replying, it`s usually helps me feel not alone with this phobia.

have any of you watch I love lucy, its an old black and white show with Lucille Ball (the best actor ever ) in my opinion its the best TV show ever !🥰

I think I have seen it once, but I don't remember anything from it.

I have, but I only ever watch with my sister who rolls on the floor laughing, but it only gives me a chuckle, so that's the only reason I watch it.

I have heard of it but have never watched it! I've heard that Lucille Ball was one of the best actresses in the world!!

I think you definitely could watch it because there is no inappropriate stuff.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally!!!!!!!! I love I Love Lucy, too! 😲😜

Quote for the week! ~ "There’s no need to be perfect to inspire others. Let people get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections."

I ❤ that! This one really speaks to me but I always want to come across perfect to everyone but I guess I should just handle my imperfections first. Thanks for the quote!

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