69-Year Old Grandfather's Quest To Climb Mt. Everest - Twice, In One Season!

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For most people climbing Mt. Everest AKA Top of the World once, would be achievement enough - But then California resident Bill Burke is not like most people. For one, the 69-year old, did not even start climbing mountains until he retired from corporate law at the age of 60.

By the time he turned 67, he had climbed not only all seven summits - the highest peaks in every continent - but an 'eighth' summit - Mt. Kosciuszko, for those who consider Australia, a stand-alone continent. He believes he is the oldest person to start and complete climbing the summits after the age of 60 and, the oldest American to reach the peak of Mt. Everest, which he conquered on May 23rd, 2009, at the age of 67.

Now two years later, Bill Burke is ready for the next challenge. The mountaineer who turned 69 this March, is currently in Nepal waiting for his visa to be approved, so that he can attempt to climb Mt. Everest once again - except this time around he wants to do it twice - once from the North and once from South.

Since he has already had once successful ascent from the South, which begins in Nepal, the grandfather of 14, plans to start his quest from the North that begins from Tibet. And that's not all - After he has completed both the climbs he would like to take on the world's 4th highest peak - Mt. Lhotse, which also happens to be in Nepal. Since the ideal months to climb the Everest are from March to May, he has about six weeks to accomplish all three climbs!

Mr. Burke will not be alone in this almost impossible quest - Besides a trusted Sherpa and strong support team, he will be joined by David Liano, a good friend and climbing partner, who has successfully summited Mt. Everest three times! To read more about Mr. Burke or follow his progress go to www.eightsummits.com.

Resources: grindtv.com, eightsummits.com

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  • daniela
    danielaover 12 years
    WOW! Before I have wanted to go up from it and down to.But then I saw a movie and got scared real scared.In one of the movies the guy got killed buy an avalanche.But what I thought was cool that Bill went up Mt.Everst.Overall that must of been a good expeince.
    • purplepandaover 12 years
      WOW! Before i wanted to climb Everest but then i saw a movie and it seems so cold and dangurous. One of the guys in the movie frost biten his hands and legs! Would you want to climb it? I am suprised that guy climed it twice and the other guy climbed it three times! He is amazing. I once saw a show where this teenager climbed the same mountains as the one guy and his family traveled with him so he could train for Everest. when he got to the top he called his mom at the bottom of the mountain and she was crying over the phone she was so happy. I love learning about Mt. Everest and peoples expedision, so I really enjoyed this story.
      • epicface
        epicfaceover 12 years
        Wow I really hope nobody gets hurt. That is amazing. Climbing Everest 2 times in a span of 2 months. If he pulls it off I will be amazed. Isn't the north side more dangerous.
        • barbie
          barbieover 12 years
          that is very old because 69 is alot
          • daniela
            danielaover 12 years
            I think this is super cool because he is 69 years old:)!
            • elmo
              elmoover 12 years
              bill is so brave and his crew are so comfident of going on that mountain;):)!
              • maddi
                maddiover 12 years
                Agian, I do not know how a man of that age can do that!!!
                • maddi
                  maddiover 12 years
                  That is amazing! I can not beleve that someone that old could do that! That is even hard for a healthy young adult!
                  • Markalmost 13 years
                    That's one hell of an accomplishment. I'm happy for him. When I'm 69 myself (what a number), I hope to be as lively and enthusiastic as that good ol Bill Burke! ;) Wish him lots of excitement, prosperity and adventure.
                    • Willyalmost 13 years
                      That is awesome that a 69 year old man would climb on Mt. Everest. That is awkward and cool at the same time. ITS AWESOME!!!!! :D