Orcas, also known as killer whales, are the largest members of the dolphin family. The mammals hunt in pods of up to 40 individuals. They are known for their coordinated attacks on marine animals. But the whales rarely pose a threat to humans....
Read news articleRising sea levels, fueled by global warming, are escalating at an alarming rate, putting coastal communities worldwide at risk. By 2050, experts predict that nearly 300 million people living in coastal areas will face annual flooding. Japan's N-Ark hopes to combat the impact of climate change with an innovative floating city....
Read news articleCelebrated every April 22, Earth Day is an annual reminder of the urgent need to protect our planet. The global movement began on April 22, 1970, when US lawmaker Gaylord Nelson mobilized more than 20 million people to demonstrate support for environmental protection....
Read news articleA new species of ragworm, likened to a living magic carpet, has been discovered in the methane seeps 30 miles (48 km) off the coast of Costa Rica. The rose-colored Pectinereis strickrotti (P. strickrotti) is one of 450 species found in the area since 2009. Forty-eight of them are new to science....
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