'White Goat' Will Turn Your Office Paper Into Toilet Paper!

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Japan's Oriental Company recently unveiled an amazing invention - A machine that recycles used office paper into rolls of toilet paper!

The completely automated machine, aptly named 'White Goat', shreds the paper that is fed in from one end and turns it into pulp. It then removes any foreign objects, thins, dries and rolls the resulting paper - and voila out comes the toilet paper - all within 30 minutes!

The only drawback to this cool invention, which won the innovation award at the 2010 Eco International Fair, is the price, which is a hefty $100,000USD - However, with every machine estimated to save 60 cedar trees a year, companies may realize that the long-term benefits to our planet, far outweigh this one time cost!

sources: thinkgeek.com,

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  • johnover 13 years
    that's weird i dont get it
    • outa this world!over 13 years
      my people have way more advanced technology than that! jk!
      • recycle manabout 14 years
        thet's a cool new way to recycle
        • liv17about 14 years
          now thats unusaul
          • mary shannonover 14 years
            I am so picking this for my current event!
            • nikover 14 years
              seems to me a hoax? i used it :D
              • DADA over 14 years
                guest what my uncle is a surfer and he sign in a contest but has you people know he lost im mad,so what about that goat things dont care ciooooooooooooooool
                • !!!???over 14 years
                  I am Japanese so I know what they are talking and I think that is great idea!! ホワイトゴウト
                  • lololololololololololololololololol (same person) over 14 years
                    why is it called the white goat?
                    • lolololololololololololololololololover 14 years
                      im so gonna use this for my Current events! lololol