The Mystery of Mr. E (WellieWishers)

The Mystery of Mr. E (WellieWishers)

By Valerie Tripp

2 ratings 2 reviews 2 followers
There's a new friend in the garden -- a big, shaggy dog with the mysterious name of Mr. E! The dog loves to play, so when he suddenly disappears, the WellieWishers are worried. They search high and low and find paw prints, but no dog. What has happened to Mr. E? The WellieWishers are about to get the surprise of their lives!
Publisher: American Girl
ISBN-13: 9781609588779
ISBN-10: 1609588770
Published on 4/27/2017
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 96

Book Reviews (2)

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OMG I love all of the Wellie Wishers books! my favorite character is Ashlin I love her personality and her clothes. One of the reasons I love there book is that they are all different people with different Personality's and Skin colors and they are best friends. There are a lot of people in this world that don't like people that are different then them but I do and That is one of the reasons I love this book.

i liked it it was about a dog and i love dogs