Kids Books - Young



By Gordon Korman


Pop by Gordon Popovitch is a book about a kid in high school named Marcus trying to fit in at a new school and football team. Marcus meets an adult named Charlie, who turns out to have played in the NFL. Marcus finds out that Charlie’s family is hiding a secret about him, and it’s up to Marcus to help Charlie. The book is an emotional and touching story. It’s also a great read, even if you don’t like football that much. I really liked this story because I could relate to a lot of things Marcus was going through. Marcus just moved into a new school and is trying to fit in, which I could understand. I also liked this story because I’m interested in football, so the parts where they were playing football were interesting to me. There are some ordinary parts about the book, but there are many special things in the stories. The characters in the story are very stereotypical (new guy, jock, cheerleader). The characters interact in a very interesting way, especially how the character of Charlie ties them all together. The many minor conflicts and disagreements that occurred were typical and ordinary, but the main problem that Marcus faces is very unique and special. After the problem is “solved,” the happy ending was short lived. The story ended in a sad, but satisfying way. Overall, the story was very entertaining (I read it in a single day because I couldn’t stop) and even inspired me to help people in need. In conclusion, Pop is a great story. The plot is interesting, and the end will make readers emotional. Football fans will also not be disappointed because football is mentioned a lot in this story. Readers can learn the importance of friendship and be inspired to help a friend in need. I wouldn’t recommend it to kids too small, because there are a couple of romance scenes and complicated football terms (though it is appropriate for kids around middle school and up). I would recommend this book to readers who are up to reading a decent-sized book about football and friendship.

The Worlds Most Haunted Places, Revised Edition

The Worlds Most Haunted Places, Revised Edition

By Jeff Belanger

29 of the world's most haunted places packed into 244 pages. I was kinda freaked out by some of the stories because they were very believable. I don't 100% believe in ghost/spirits but this book made believe a little more in being haunted by a ghost. I would recommend this to 12+ Thanks for reading -Ajg16's reviews



By Chris Wooding

I think this book could be a great book but I (in my opinion) just couldn't get into it but I really tried and got about halfway through. So basically some boys and there classmates were out looking for bugs for a school assignment when they found a really weird Beatle and after there teacher examined the bug they all noticed it had a sorta silver metal look to it. Have they discovered a new species... Or have they found something terrible? Try this book out maybe you will like it! Thanks for reading -Ajg16's reviews



By Geraldine McCaughrean

One day in ancient Greece The Greek hero, Odysseus, was approached by Prince Palamedes and Prince Menelaus. For they needed Odysseus's help attacking the city of Troy. Odysseus had the idea of building the Trojan horse. These stories of course are myths made up to teach people history. But people did believe heroes like Odysseus were real people. This was a good book to read and taught some stories of the Greek mythology hero Odysseus. Recommended for 8+ Thanks for reading -Ajg16's reviews

Monster High: Más que amigas, monstruoamigas

Monster High: Más que amigas, monstruoamigas

By Gitty Daneshvari


this book was awesome. It may be a teen book and i am a tween but it was enjoyable. I can not put it down. It deals with drama, romace and so much more. Please read it

Extra Special Treats ( ... Not) (Tom Gates)

Extra Special Treats ( ... Not) (Tom Gates)


Tom found a star pupil Badge, its not his. Its Marcus Meldrew's. he got it for doing his homework on time and making a good effort in class, but Tom wants one. So hes going to turn in all his homework on time. Besides school, Tom has a grumpy sister named Delia, Who blames Tom for breaking her phone after him and his friend saw her walking on the street and yelled to her. Grandparents he nicknames ''The Fossils''. A mom who has to hide the sweets in the house Because if she doesn't, it gets eaten, This is a book from the U.K, so if you don't understand some of the words there is a glossary in the back, and this book is very good for humor, I have read most of them. SO GO READ IT

Into Winter: Discovering a Season

Into Winter: Discovering a Season

By William P. Nestor

Gage nestor

I live this book it's the best I know the author is still living because hes my uncle

Heaven Looks a Lot Like the Mall

Heaven Looks a Lot Like the Mall

By Wendy Mass

This book is about a girl named Tessa who gets hit by a dodgeball and goes through a coma. She experiences heaven as the mall, and goes through all the important events in her life. One of the best books by Wendy Mass!

Before We Were Free

Before We Were Free

By Julia Alvarez


Julia Alvarez, the author of Before we were Free takes readers back in time to the 60s in Dominican Republic. The setting is in the Dominican Republic in 1960. Some of the main characters are Anita, Carla, Mami, Papi and Tio Toni. Some of the plot is the SIM invades Anita’s house. Julia’s writing style is in first person. I don’t like it because it was hard to follow who was who. She makes it confusing on whether Chucha is a human or a pet. It also does not feel like you are in Dominican Republic in the 1960’s. Julia’s writing style is in first person. I don’t like it because it was hard to follow who was who. She makes it confusing on whether Chucha is a human or a pet. It also does not feel like you are in Dominican Republic in the 1960’s. ¨It turns out that the SIM discovered the plot and most of our uncle´s friends were arrested¨ Before we were Free was a boring book. I was long and had to many spanish words. If you like action adventure or fantasy than this book is not for you. If you like books about social issues than this book is for you. Before we were free was given the Pura Belpre Award. Julia grew up in the Dominican Republic.

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