Kids Books - Teen

Iron Man, Vol. 1: Believe (Marvel NOW!)

Iron Man, Vol. 1: Believe (Marvel NOW!)

By Kieron Gillen

This book is okay, because there are so actions that I like about this book. I recommend this book for young adults, like teenagers but a little younger.

The Girl in the Wall

The Girl in the Wall

By Daphne Benedis-Grab

If raven wants to read it, so do I :)

Surfacing (Swans Landing Book 1)

Surfacing (Swans Landing Book 1)

By Shana Norris

Maggie has a special gift where people want to tell her their secrets and once they realize they have done it, they get all embarrassed and it causes her to have a hard time making friends. This book shows us that it is hard to be a kid and we face problems that a lot of times are out of our control and to just try and see the world through other peoples eyes.

True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet

True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet

By Lola Douglas

I really enjoy this book. It is getting better and better each time I read it. I recommend this book.

Scarlett Dedd

Scarlett Dedd

By Cathy Brett

This book was so good and is one of those books that also has pictures in it so it makes the book even better. Poor Scarlett accidentally kills herself instead of just making herself sick and then her family dies too because they ate her food she had poisoned. So now they all haunt their haunt. Worst part is, they were already the weird family and things just got weirder!!

An African Tale

An African Tale

By Enna Neru

love this book

The Bar Code Prophecy

The Bar Code Prophecy

By Suzanne Weyn

Told from a different point of view, Grace, wants a bar code tattoo. She believes her life will be incomplete with out one. Then she meets Kayla. She thinks Kayla's crazy for ever thinking the government would try to hurt people. This book couldn't make up it's mind about the alterior motive behind the tattoos either. It also has a major cop out ending.

Magic Knight: Rayearth I, Book 3

Magic Knight: Rayearth I, Book 3

By Clamp

whoever made this book........I LUV YOU

Vampire Kisses 8: Cryptic Cravings

Vampire Kisses 8: Cryptic Cravings

By Ellen Schreiber


It's a great book to read not for younger viewers

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