Kids Books - Teaching

Underground to Canada (New Windmills)

Underground to Canada (New Windmills)

By Barbara Claassen Smucker


This book is a wonderful story of a 12 year old girl who escapes to Canada. It takes place in the 1820s. She is born a slave and finds freedom in Canada. It is an excellent read.

All about my sister, ***a book writen by 6-years-old

All about my sister, ***a book writen by 6-years-old

By Grace Yang

a book ritten by six year olds sounds good

Anastasia on Her Own (An Anastasia Krupnik story)

Anastasia on Her Own (An Anastasia Krupnik story)

By Lois Lowry


Like this book I mean I love it and I wish there was a movie

The Chocolate War (M Books)

The Chocolate War (M Books)

By Robert Cormier

This book is about a highschool boy named Jerry Renault transferred to a high school called Trinity. The main characters include Jerry and Archie. Jerry is the new student of Trinity. Archie is the chief of the secret organization in Trinity. Archie sends people out to do missions for the secret organization. When the secret organization is on a mission, they use a black box which contains black and white dice. If Archie picks the white dice, he doesn’t have to do the mission on his own; If Archie picks up the black dice, he has to do the mission himself. The most intense part of the story is when Jerry saw a sentence in his locker, saying “Do I dare to disturb the universe?” When I am reading this, I wondered what Jerry will do, and how he would react to it. I chose this book because the title of this book is very interesting. I have no idea what the title “the chocolate war” means. I thought the book was about people fighting with chocolate. I will recommend this book for my friends because this book reflected many things in real life, such as bully and peer isolation.

Kiss My Math: Showing Pre-Algebra Who's Boss

Kiss My Math: Showing Pre-Algebra Who's Boss

By Danica McKellar

This has really helped me with my homework and with some of the thing that we don't have time to go over in Math class. The way the author describes functions and algebra is creative and helps you realize how math works. Its the perfect book for people with mathproblems.

Cloud Busting

Cloud Busting

By Malorie Blackman


I have read this book and it's one book you should not judge by its cover. Read after the chapter 'Shadow' and it will all make sense. It's all written in poem but don't let that put you off. I think it is amazing. The age I recommend it for is 11+ because younger people may not understand. Even they could read it. It's not disturbing, it's just it will be easier to understand if you are 11+.

Mary Casanova and You (Author and You)

Mary Casanova and You (Author and You)

By Mary Casanova

Sassy Silver

My favorite book is by Mary Casanova. She is awesome!

Tornado (Young Explorer: Wild Weather)

Tornado (Young Explorer: Wild Weather)

By Catherine Chambers

This book is a great book. It is about tornados. It tells you that they are very dangerous. Also it tells you that you should stay on low ground if you see a tornado. I think that this book helps me learn a lot about this dangerous thing. Even though they are dangerous they are very fun to look at. That is a little bit about this book.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing

Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing

By Sally Lloyd-Jones


This. Is. A. Gôooooooooooood. BookI. Love. This. Book

Black Star, Bright Dawn

Black Star, Bright Dawn

By Scott O'Dell

Black Star is a sled dog. Bright Dawn is his owner. Follow them through the Iditarod Trail, braving an ice flow, and moose. Meet Oteg, a man racing in the Iditarod, a man that gives 18 year old Bright Dawn advice on how to race the Iditarod. This book is one of the top 50 books that I've read, and that's saying a lot, because I've read a lot of books. It has a scary beginning, but then there are twists in the story. Read this book to find out what they are...

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