Kids Books - Science

The Guardian Herd: Windborn

The Guardian Herd: Windborn

By Jennifer Lynn Alvarez

It was sooo epic!! If you have read the other books in the series you will know what I mean. Summary: Nightwing and Star have a final war and decide who will stay in Anok. 😻😻😻😻👍👍👍👍

The Hunt (The Hunt Trilogy)

The Hunt (The Hunt Trilogy)

By Andrew Fukuda

Minerva Mendoza

I absolutely LOVED this book! Great adventures n twists in the bk. can't wait for the 3rd bk. in the trilogy I greatly recommend it! To Vampire lovers

The Adoration of Jenna Fox (The Jenna Fox Chronicles)

The Adoration of Jenna Fox (The Jenna Fox Chronicles)

By Mary E. Pearson

I found this book at my school library and picked it up because I needed a book to read. It turned out to be so much more than a time-filler, however. The story begins with Jenna Fox, who has just woken up from a year-long coma. She now lives in a house in California with her parents and grandmother, who do not let her leave. Jenna is regaining her memory and she starts to find herself again, find out what happened to her, and who she really is. A great book for middle-grade readers who love a mix of sci-fi and realistic fiction.

Geeked Out: A Lame New World

Geeked Out: A Lame New World

By Obert Skye

Loved this book. If you are interested in a book club, you can email me at Look forward to hearing from you.

The Wild Lands

The Wild Lands

By Paul Greci

This book is so bad it makes me want to dry-heave my own liver out of my eyesocket, for the love of god don't read this book.

Elementals: Scorch Dragons

Elementals: Scorch Dragons

By Amie Kaufman

It was amazing!! I can’t wait until book 3! I recommend it!

Inside the Walls of Troy

Inside the Walls of Troy

By Clemence McLaren, Joel P. Johnson

In this historical story, retold by Clemence McLaren, we are introduced to two characters; Helen - the most beautiful and famous female alive, who is the cause of the Trojan War; Cassandra - has the gift, or curse, to predict the future. When Cassandra foresees the ruin of her family and city that Helen's arrival in Troy will cause, she is outraged. While this happened, Helen gets wife-snatched by Cassandra's own half brother, Paris. Helen and Paris fall deeply in love but when they sail to Troy, they do not know the chaos that will happen. Soon, the Greek people call for war for stealing the king's wife. I'll leave it off here because it's pretty good and I think you should experience it yourself!

Waterfire Saga, Book One Deep Blue (A Waterfire Saga Novel)

Waterfire Saga, Book One Deep Blue (A Waterfire Saga Novel)

By Jennifer Donnelly

The book Deep Blue is written by Jennifer Donnelly. I really like this book because it is full of magical creatures. In the book, there are different languages that mean the same thing. The book is talking about the adventure of the mermaids. In this book, the main character is the mermaid named Serafina. She was supposedly engaged to Prince Madhi. But when she heard that over the two years, Madhi had changed a lot. He had become a playboy and even had a girlfriend. When Serafina first heard this, she was very sad. But her best friend, Neela, cousin of Madhi, cheered her up. When the day to announce Serafina as the new queen, an attack appeared and maybe had killed Serafina's mother. Since that day, Serafina and Neela had been going through different difficulties and getting into several problems. Serafina and Neela met different mermaids from different places. Each one of them had to leave their home and family to save the ocean. The thing that I like about this book is that the characters in the story have great confidence even though they were at their worst times. I think the story is very heart-warming and exciting at the same time. I would really recommend this book to people that like to read or watch action books or movies because there is a lot of different adventures in this book that are super surprisingly fun and dangerous.



By Nancy Yi Fan

To be honest, although this book was sweet and original, I would not call myself a great fan. It is inspiring that a twelve year old or eleven year old girl would be able to write at the level that she does, and publish a book. However, I noticed many flaws in the writing. I myself am a writer, and am currently editing a book- not that I expect that to ever be very successful, as there I should never any guarantee of that- and am noticing flaws in my own writing as well as hers. The story is rather simple- which is just fine. However, the characters never seemed to differ from each other. Aska’s supposedly courageous character was sort of ruined for me because of her occasional “damsel in distress” episodes. They all speak with the same voice- using broad vocabulary, preaching peace. Their characters are just so similar, but perhaps that wouldn’t be the case if the author was writing in the point of view of so many different characters. Of course, this applies to all but Turnatt’s, because he is the malicious and evil hawk villain. As for Miltin’s death, it was sweet and somber, but I guess I didn’t understand how he died. I picked up on the detail that he broke his wing, but one of the reason she stated in the story was that “after all of his years as a slave, he couldn’t live any longer” or something along those lines. That didn’t make a lot of sense to me. It would had the character been elderly, but Miltin was a young robin, by my understanding. I was sitting there thinking for a moment, “Okay, so, he died because he was beat up before?” It would have made more sense if the injury had been more fatal...or perhaps the broken wing had been fatal enough, regardless of his past beatings. Another thing that I noticed was that the author dragged out details to the point where it just wasn’t necessary. She could turn a single piece of dialogue into a small paragraph. Overall, this book was nice. I liked it, but I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite. However, it is also helping me learn how to edit my story, and inspires me to keep on writing. Huge props to you, Nancy Yi Fan.

The Menagerie #3: Krakens and Lies

The Menagerie #3: Krakens and Lies

By Tui T. Sutherland, Kari H. Sutherland

This was the best book ever! I'm in 6 grade and I believe in mermaids, dragons, and other mythical creatures!!! :) :) ;) ;) #Believe in Mythical creatures

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