Kids Books - Literature

Big Nate Goes Bananas!

Big Nate Goes Bananas!

By Lincoln Peirce

Big Nate is a book series that is funny...but it has some disrespectful comments, and for that reason my mom took it away from my brother. This book has some bad/mean comments saying bad things about your mom. "Your mama…." And it just goes downhill from there with bad words and even more things that young children should not be introduced to. Maybe 13-14 year old's.

Fifty Below Zero (Munsch for Kids)

Fifty Below Zero (Munsch for Kids)

By Robert N Munsch

I loved this book as a kid now I don't read it, but my little sister loves it I read it to her a lot.

To Dare Mighty Things: The Life of Theodore Roosevelt

To Dare Mighty Things: The Life of Theodore Roosevelt

By Doreen Rappaport


i think that this is a very important thing to read

Boys Start the War, The

Boys Start the War, The

By Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

I loved this book so so so so much!!!!!!!!!!! It is a great realistic fiction story. It is about four boys whose best friends ( there neighbors ) move to Georgia and then three girls move in. I the story, both the boys and girls pull pranks on each-another. I think this book is meant for both boys and girls because in the story the author made it so it switched off between the boys perspective and the girls perspective. I think the message in this story is ''You can never have too much fun''. I hope you like it!!!!!!!

The Hound of the Baskervilles (A Penguin Classics Hardcover)

The Hound of the Baskervilles (A Penguin Classics Hardcover)

By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Habiba Sallam Hound of Baskervilles Book Review A book that is small in size can never meet the beauty standards of literature and possess its richness in metaphorical comparisons. However, this rule was broken in crime thriller novel written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and titled The Hound of the Baskerville. Sherlock Holmes along with his assistant Watson, notable for their talent in solving mysteries are called upon the moor by James Mortimer to investigate the murder of his patient and family friend. The victim was believed to be murdered by the supernatural hound following the Baskerville curse. This curse is a legend that runs through the family originating from the evil act of Sir Hugo’s when he kidnapped a girl. Upon arrival at the moor after his uncle's tragic murder, Sir Henry Baskerville decides to come back and investigate this curse with Holmes and Watson. To solve the mystery, the all collect different peices of the puzzle after meeting several suspects. One specific suspect was Stapleton whom they were able to track his history and find out that he lied about his sister who was actually his wife. At this point, Holmes digs in and even recognizes that Stapleton actually resembles Hugo's portrait, which might mean a desire for the Baskerville wealth. It has come to Watson that the Barrymore's who were the family servants found a letter signatured LL who was Laura Lyons. They decided to visit her and told her about Stapleton's marriage who spilled the beans about the hound and helped them resolve the curse. Fortunately, Stapleton trained his hound to attack the Baskerville whom was given Sir Henry’s belongings to smell but the younger sibling of the Mrs. Barrymore was dressed in Sir Henry’s clothes. The hound was found killed later when Stapleton instructed the hound to attack Sir Henry, when he was invited to the household. As a naturalist Stapleton treated others as animals as he treated his wife whom he beat after disrespecting and not participating in his plans . After spending a lot of time on the moor and on this case Sherlock Holmes and Watson are winners once again.

That Wedding (That Boy)

That Wedding (That Boy)

By Jillian Dodd

need to read this.... but dont feel like paying :(

The Infernal Devices 1: Clockwork Angel

The Infernal Devices 1: Clockwork Angel

By Cassandra Clare

Awesome!!!!! Kind of a young adult or middle school and older book. It is part of an awesome series and I strongly encourage you to read her other series too. Never trust a duck!

Rosalie the Rapunzel Fairy (Storybook Fairies #3): A Rainbow Magic Book (The Storybook Fairies)

Rosalie the Rapunzel Fairy (Storybook Fairies #3): A Rainbow Magic Book (The Storybook Fairies)

By Daisy Meadows

this book's genre is fairy tale and it is written by Daisy Meadows. In the beginning , they are reading the Rapunzel book And see Jack Frost instead of Rapunzel! In the middle, they meet Rosalie and tells Rachel and Kirsty about her magic hairbrush missing. In the end , all three of them find his castle , Rachel and Kirsty turn into green goblins. The main character is Rosalie because she is in every page. Rosalie is an adventurous person because she likes to find flowers and put them in her hair. Rosalie is also caring to animals, people, etc. 2 key events that happened in the book and added to the plot is, in the beginning of the story they were reading the Rapunzel book. But instead of Rapunzel, it was Jack Frost! The second one is, the magic hairbrush was so powerful that whenever they got close to it Jack Frost would take it away. The changed from the beginning of the story because Rachel and Kirsty her friends are also mad at Jack Frost for stealing Rosalie's magic hairbrush. It changes at the end of the story because they realize that Jack Frost wanted beautiful long hair like Rapunzel. On page 52, it says," I only wanted the magical hairbrush so I could have long hair like Rapunzel's." One unanswered question I have for the author is, how did Jack Frost get the magic hairbrush in the first place? What I enjoyed the most about this book is when Rachel and Kirsty turn into green goblins because they had really long noses and really big feet! I would recommend this book to someone because some people like to listen to fairy tales before bed to fall asleep faster. I read it before bed and I felt really relaxed after and fell asleep right away.

I Lived on Butterfly Hill

I Lived on Butterfly Hill

By Marjorie Agosin

Im in the 8th grade and this book is amazing for all ages

Black Holes (True Books: Space)

Black Holes (True Books: Space)

By Paul P. Sipiera

This book’s genre is science nonfiction and written by Paul P. Sipiera. It’s about black holes, scientist, and other things in space. Black holes are made by a star. The star blows up. It forms a supernova. Also, scientist make super cool discoveries in my book. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way galaxy. There are many galaxies in the universe. The main characters are the black hole scientist that study black holes. These scientist also discover facts about mass, gravity, and our universe. Two key events that happened in the book that added to the plot is a supernova, and scientist. Supernovas added to the plot because when the author described a supernova it kept on popping up in my book. Scientists added to the plot because scientist kept on discovering new stuff. On page 21, one of the scientist did not know that any object can turn into a black hole. But, he changed his knowledge of the discovery when he learned the object has to become small enough and dense enough, and it can change into a black hole. This was from Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity. One unanswered question that I’d like to ask the author is, “What is inside a black hole?” What I enjoyed the most about the book is if you were on one of Mars's moons you can throw a baseball and it would most likely orbit Mars’ moon. I would recommend this book because you can learn so much about outer space. You can learn about mass, gravity, black holes,etc. If you enjoy reading and learning about space you would enjoy this book.

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