Kids Books - Humor

Gulliver's Travels: Large Print

Gulliver's Travels: Large Print

By Jonathan Swift

Luke Cummins

Have you sailed around the world? How about stepped somewhere no one else has. Ok, you've most likely touched a place no one else has, just by walking in the woods. But have you experienced being among strange animals and people not known to our existence? Probably not, unless you've seen aliens on Mars. The book “Gulliver's Travels” by an Englishman of the name Jonathan Swift was first published in 1726. Swift died in 1745, never realizing his work would be so influential and widely spread throughout the world. Overall I thought this was an amazing and fascinating tale. I would rate this book a four out of five stars. The only reason it is not five out of five stars is because the wording is at times confusing. The genre of these fascinating tales are fantasy. In my summary you won't have to worry about me giving away the ending as there is no actual ending but a series of four travels. The first account occurs when Gulliver gets shipwrecked alone and washes upon the shores of Lilliput. An army of Lilliputans who are around six inches tall, quickly tie him to the ground. I would keep explaining the hostilities thrown upon Gulliver's but I don't want to overwhelm the reader with details. Gulliver's gets taken to the emperor who quickly bonds with Gulliver. The name of the emperor is unknown. Gulliver spends almost a year on Liliput and he has many friends but he has also made serious enemies. After the rumor of blinding Gulliver and starving him was passed on to the Emperor, he almost immediately told Gulliver. Gulliver made a ship and sailed away. Gulliver's second adventure brings him to a land ruled by giants. Gulliver is initially found by farmers but later sold to the king. Gulliver is in danger almost everywhere he goes. One day while in his box an eagle picks Gulliver's box up and drops it with him in it into the ocean while being attacked by other Eagles. He is later found by a normal sized ship. The captain takes care of him but thinks Gulliver is crooked because some princes put men in a home in the water that slowly sinks. Gulliver's third travel takes place on a flying island with the most peculiar of people, who are so busy thinking they have servants who touch their mouths, eyes, and nose so they listen when spoken to, talk, and look where they're going. Because of this, Gulliver soon leaves the island and is brought upon a professor who talks about what government is like on their country. The fourth journey is a surprise that you'll only know if you read the book. This book also has a movie for those of you who are too lazy to read this book. I would suggest this book to boys and girls in seventh grade and up, no one lower unless this is explained to you and you understand what's happening. I also suggest this book to people who like government, or stories set in the past, also if you like to read about travelers. Again I rate this book a four out of five stars because of the fascinating tales told. I only took of a star because the wording can be confusing.

A Tale Dark and Grimm

A Tale Dark and Grimm

By Adam Gidwitz

Warning: If you are a little kid DO NOT READ THIS (younger than 13) this tale is indeed dark and indeed Grimm. It is dark, yes, but awesome. (Quote from book) This is the true story of Hansel and Gretal-and a bit before them as well. None of this would have happened if not for the First Raven, Second Raven, and Third Raven. As you venture through the TRUE story of Hansel and Gretal, a narrator accompanys you, making everything more opinion-based but hilarious. Little Hansel and Gretal leave at age five from the castle to go find better parents. This is the story of everything in the past, present, and future.

Guinea Dog

Guinea Dog

By Patrick Jennings

I enjoyed this title. It will make a good read read aloud. I was excited to see that this is the same author that wrote We Can't All Be Rattlesnakes which was a hilarious title! Guinea Dog is about the theme of a child wanting a dog as a pet and the parent saying NO. I personally have been there and understand the intense desire to get a dog to love and play with. Like Rufus, my dad said absolutely not! This was a wonderful fantasy about what happens if the boy gets a guinea pig that does exactl...more



By Megan Shull

This book is amazing it starts at the bus three girl are the most popular and always rude the leader is Alexis wright (most popular) and the two girls by her are Whitney (best hair),and Tay (sweetest smile).They be mean to a girl that doesn't talk that much and Alexis says do you even were deodorant.Frannie (the star of the book) say in her head that she wants to stick up for the girl but she to afraid.Frannie has two siblings that don't care about her even her parents don't care about her.The parents decide to have a last minute trip to Jamaica.Frannie starts to cry her mother say that they want to have a alone time.Then when the day comes frannies mom comes in to say bye and it was chrismtas eve she wishes that she lived with a different family and it happened but it kept on happening over and over Frannie has to try to find a way to get back to her home sweet home.

Stephanie's Ponytail (Classic Munsch)

Stephanie's Ponytail (Classic Munsch)

By Robert N Munsch

I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars. This book is SO funny. I know it will make you laugh and keep you interested the entire time. Robert Munsch also makes the characteristics look realistic. You can buy this book anywhere! You can buy it online or even a local store. If you want to laugh so hard that you might cry, this book is for you!

Princess DisGrace: A Royal Disaster

Princess DisGrace: A Royal Disaster

By Lou Kuenzler

WolfyMoon Playz

I own this book and I just wanted to say this book is so good and if you stop reading this book in between then you will miss everything good in the book. I recommend this book for people who like princesses!!!!!

Monster High (Spanish Edition)

Monster High (Spanish Edition)

By Lisi Harrison

Seth oppong Ako

The story is nice and cool It talk about love It talks about romance It talks about time

A Whole Nother Story

A Whole Nother Story

By Dr. Cuthbert Soup

This book was really good and I went through it pretty quickly. It's all about a family that has three kids and a father named Mr. Cheeseman. When Mr. Cheeseman"s wife, Olivia, passes away,he has a brilliant idea to make a time machine (AKA the LVR)to bring back his beautiful wife and mother for the three. But, of course since it is a time machine, bad guys try to take it away. It's a really fun and quick book. I highly recommend it for all!

Wanted! Ralfy Rabbit, Book Burglar

Wanted! Ralfy Rabbit, Book Burglar

By Emily MacKenzie

I thought the book was a little boring, but I liked the illustrations.

Big Nate: Say Good-bye to Dork City

Big Nate: Say Good-bye to Dork City

By Lincoln Peirce

I'm almost done with it :D it's good. Big Nate is back with all-new chronological collection with cartoons! Can Nate Wright get and cooler? Not according to Nate himself. He's already P.S 38's rockin'est drummer finest poet (check out his haiku about brazil nuts) and deepest thinker--in his own mind. But does Nate have it to take to hang with Marcus, leader of the school's most notorious posse? Or will he decide that being cool isn't all it's cracked up to be ? Read Say Good-Bye to Dork City... and say hello to lost of laughs!

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