Kids Books - History

1421: The Year China Discovered America

1421: The Year China Discovered America

By Gavin Menzies

Evidence strongly suggests that neither the Vikings nor Columbus were the first to 'discover' America!

Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed

Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed

By Jared Diamond

Failed societies have several things in common: debt, misuse of natural resources, and unwillingness to make necessary adjustments to prevent disaster.

The Prophet

The Prophet

By Kahlil Gibran

Great book!

Go Free or Die: A Story about Harriet Tubman (Creative Minds Biography (Hardcover))

Go Free or Die: A Story about Harriet Tubman (Creative Minds Biography (Hardcover))

By Jeri Chase Ferris

I liked this book because it was very interesting!! Well it is also very col cause of the history of this story !! you should read this book!!

Dogs on Duty: Soldiers' Best Friends on the Battlefield and Beyond
Colonial America: An Interactive History Adventure (You Choose: Historical Eras)

Colonial America: An Interactive History Adventure (You Choose: Historical Eras)

By Allison Lassieur

This book was fine, and the first story path I chose was the life of an indentured slave. My favorite one of the series (I read the entire series) is probably the ninja one.

The Little Rascals: The Life and Times of Our Gang

The Little Rascals: The Life and Times of Our Gang

By Leonard Maltin, Richard W. Bann

I love the new version

Escape to Gold Mountain: A Graphic History of the Chinese in North America

Escape to Gold Mountain: A Graphic History of the Chinese in North America

By David H.T. Wong

I didn't know all this happened in the past. A scary history told in a cool graphic novel. I finished the book in a day but had to read it over again to understand it more. Good way to learn history.

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