Kids Books - History

Hamilton vs. Jefferson (Primary Source Readers: Focus on Alexander Hamilton)

Hamilton vs. Jefferson (Primary Source Readers: Focus on Alexander Hamilton)

By Curtis Slepian

Because I love history books and they are so much fun to read. I love books on Alexander Hamilton. Also, I read a book on him and he is so interesting to learn about!

One Dead Spy (Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales #1)

One Dead Spy (Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales #1)

By Nathan Hale

It's really funny and at the same time it teaches you about the American Revolutionary War. I remember that while I was reading it, I had accents for all of the characters. I hope you enjoy this book it's really awesome. Comment if you liked it. P.S Plz follow me.

Kid Scientists: True Tales of Childhood from Science Superstars (Kid Legends)

Kid Scientists: True Tales of Childhood from Science Superstars (Kid Legends)

By David Stabler

This book is amazing , It talks about many famous people and what happened in their lives. Also this book just made me want to read and read every single minute. I would defiantly recommend reading this because it makes people wan to read more and more .And this is good not just for reading but for knowing more facts about other people in the past or present. I think the theme of this book is don't judge a book by it's cover because on the inside they might change the world. Also another theme might be don't let anyone dull your sparkle because if you have great ideas and they stop you they are just jealous of you. All in all if you like reading books that give you more facts then this book is for you!

The Art of Spirited Away

The Art of Spirited Away

By Hayao Miyazaki

This book is stunning. The quality of the printing and the weight of the pages make it feel like something special and well worth the money. The early production sketches and the comments from the Ghibli staff are greatly appreciated and provide a decent amount of insight into the creative process. Whilst the amount of film stills could be off putting to people who want to see things they haven't before, the images look so good on the glossy paper, particularly the full page ones, it's hard to imagine anyone feeling too disappointed. The inclusion of the film script to finish out the book was a nice unexpected bonus too. For this book I cannot sing its praises high enough. The animated films from Studio Ghibli are world renowned translated in to multiple languages and back from the likes of Walt Disney in their distribution and recognition. The artwork and storyline blend together to form a timeless story which you cannot help be transported away with, from the world of Howls Moving Castle to the forests of Princess Mononoke to the magic of My Neighbour Totoro, Studio Ghibli have an uncanny ability to tell stories like no other. This book written in part by Hayao Miyazaki captures much of the art work used in the film - with explanatory notes and comments. As such the book is sumptuously illustrated with full and double page illustrations. For anyone who loved the film this is a must but it also appeals to anyone who appreciate artwork and the beautiful of a well crafted story told through images. The only problem I have now is trying to put out of my mind how good the entire Ghibli Library would look on my shelf...

ghost real story: ghost real story (1)

ghost real story: ghost real story (1)

By creepy pasta lady sparrow Snarkychu

Awesome. i Love CP's and think that they should add more

Al Capone (Life & Times of)

Al Capone (Life & Times of)

By Tom Stockdale

It of my favorite books of all time and would highly recommend this.

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

By Robert Louis Stevenson

The lesson that DR. Jekyll learns is that he shouldn't have taken the drug because it changes his life forever. For example, when DR. Jekyll turns into Hyde, his personality changes into evil. He can be hazardous because in the book it says that he killed someone and ran away. This shows that trying to change yourself has very negative affects. For one, he can't spend time with the people he likes, for fear of turning into Hyde, and he can't do his projects because he might turn into Hyde. Also,now people are going to keep an eye on Hyde and if someone sees him turn back into Jekyll, then it will be really risky. DR. Jekyll will be in a worse situation because of it and now, he can never be himself without Hyde. If Jekyll didn't take the drug, he would be better off without Hyde around. I rate this book a “7 out of 10” and the illustrations a “5 out of 10.” I really recommend this book because it is full of mystery and action and after every page there is a picture, which makes it very easy to visualize. One unanswered question I would like to ask is… What made MR. Hyde so evil? Was it something in the drug? If so, would Jekyll still have some control over Hyde because Jekyll has the same brain when he turns into Hyde?

Science in Ancient Egypt (Science of the Past)

Science in Ancient Egypt (Science of the Past)

By Geraldine Woods

Lots of facts about Egypt.

Big Bad Ironclad! (Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales #2)

Big Bad Ironclad! (Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales #2)

By Nathan Hale

i like this book and the one dead spy but these are comie books so if you like ss and comie thats the book.

Donner Dinner Party (Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales #3)

Donner Dinner Party (Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales #3)

By Nathan Hale

I was in class when my teacher gave me this book to read. This book is currently one I'm reading and is about survival and hunger (and obviously about moving to California) and takes place through California in1846. There isn't much of a moral in this story but as Virginia Reed once said, *Don't take no cutoffs and get where your'e going as fast as you can.*

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