Kids Books - Historical

Somewhere Among

Somewhere Among

By Annie Donwerth-Chikamatsu

When you look at this book, it is pretty thick and you might not like it by only looking at it. One reason is that the book is tooooo thick that you think it is not your level. Second reason is that you don't like how the book looks or it looks just like poem. BUT it is NOT!!!!!!!!!! The character is half Japaneses and half American. It is about her school life at a new city for 6 months. Check the book out for more, more, and more information.

The Race to Chimney Rock (The Oregon Trail)

The Race to Chimney Rock (The Oregon Trail)

By Jesse Wiley

What! This book looks awesome! I've played the original computer game, the hand-held version and now there is a book version?? So cool!

Blackbeard's Sword: The Pirate King of the Carolinas (Historical Fiction)

Blackbeard's Sword: The Pirate King of the Carolinas (Historical Fiction)

By Liam O'Donnell

This book is about how Jacob is "friends " with blackbeard and he thinks blackbeard is a nice guy but everybody has owe thinks blackbeard is a bully,and a jerk, but he really thinks blackbeard is his friend .is he his friend?I'm not going to tell you .you need to read this if u want to know what happens!I recommend to 10+ and rate this book 2/5 stars 😁 😁 -Pizzagirl7 😁 😁

Nzingha: Warrior Queen of Matamba, Angola, Africa, 1595

Nzingha: Warrior Queen of Matamba, Angola, Africa, 1595

By Patricia C. McKissack

This diary is written by a 13 year old girl named Nzingha she is a West African princess. She always wants to go hunting with with her father but he and the others who help him lead day tell her it is not proper for a princess to hunt (not fair!). One day Nzingha hopes she will be queen - when she a little girl her mother took her to a woman named Ajala for a reading, Ajala told her mother that Nzingha was destined to be the leader of three village Ndongo - and really believes she would make a great queen and she also believes her brother is weak and would not make a good leader. This was not my favorite Royal diaries book because it seemed shorter then the others. Recommended for 12+ Thanks for reading -Ajg16's reviews

The Curious World of Calpurnia Tate

The Curious World of Calpurnia Tate

By Jacqueline Kelly

If you read the first book you know that Calpurnia is the only girl of seven children. And that she wants to be a scientist. If you haven't read the book I just told you the main parts :) In this book Callie discovers that some people think that just because she is a girl she can't be what she wants to be. Can Callie convince her family that girls can do great things to? I liked this book better than the first one.

Midnight Rider

Midnight Rider

By Joan Hiatt Harlow

This book is about the revolutionary war and I have read it more than twice. It is a good scary nerve racking book!!! I hope you read it because this book changed my life!!!!!!

Infinity Ring Book 2: Divide and Conquer

Infinity Ring Book 2: Divide and Conquer

By Carrie Ryan

This was so good! I LOVE how they, although we have a different author than the last book, have the same personalities and traits, and also, I'd like to commend Carrie on the great job of Sera and Bill's romance - not too thick, not too cheesy, just enough for you to notice something is there that's more than a friendship. Also, just when you think the adventure is retiring - BAM! Another problem, and more of that much loved action from Dan, Sera, and Riq. You can stop at any part in the book, but you won't hesitate to open it again - In fact, you'll be rearing to reopen it again to the page that you left off - That's how good it is. It's hard to write a book so brimming with action, yet still has moments of serenity, grief, humor, and a tinge of romance - But Carrie Ryan really did it in this book.

Cleopatra Confesses

Cleopatra Confesses

By Carolyn Meyer

If you do a faces of history project at school and choose Cleopatra VII, you really need to add this book to your bibliography! This book is filled with great historical facts about Cleopatra and some not so know facts about her and her life as a young pharaoh. The book is written as an autobiography and is written as if she is talking to you. Sometimes is does feel like she is talking to you. She talks about her teenage years. Sibling rivalry and jealousy couple with her Father's undying love towards her stems some of the most outrageous dialogues in this book. Out of the 5 books I used for my project, this is my favorite. A great read.

Eleanor: Crown Jewel of Aquitaine, France, 1136 (The Royal Diaries)

Eleanor: Crown Jewel of Aquitaine, France, 1136 (The Royal Diaries)

By Kristiana Gregory

Eleanor is a 14 year old girl whom had a crush on a knight in her father's kingdom. But she isn't supposed to further her crush because she is to marry some one of royalty. What she doesn't know is she will become Queen of France and will remain queen for 67 years! I loved this book and Eleanor is amazing! I recommend this to 12+ Thanks for reading - Ajg16's reviews <3

Mae Among the Stars

Mae Among the Stars

By Roda Ahmed

This book is real. I like this book because it's about space, and I love space. It's one of my favorite things. I also like it because it is about Mae, and she is a girl. She wanted to be an astronaut when she grew up. Her teacher and friends thought she couldn't be an astronaut - she could be a nurse or a teacher. But her parents said she could be an astronaut, and she did when she grew up!

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