Kids Books - Friendship

Genesis Begins Again

Genesis Begins Again

By Alicia D. Williams

I think this is a very interesting book. It shows you should always love yourself. Genesis is a young girl who doesn't love herself. She complains about her skin color (How she thinks she's to dark) and gets picked on about it. Two girls made a list about her that says 100 Reasons Why We Hate Genesis. Even though it only went up to 60, she continued it to 87. She has a father who drinks and she hates that very much. I love this book.

The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May, & June

The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May, & June

By Robin Benway

Around the time of their parents’ divorce, sisters April, May, and June recover special powers from childhood, powers that can help in high school. April can see the future. May can disappear. June can read minds. Soon they realize, powers or no powers, they’ll always have each other.

Lucky Strike

Lucky Strike

By Bobbie Pyron

Nate Harlow has very bad luck, but his friend, Genesis Beam, who is the probably the smartest person in Paradise Beach, doesn't believe in bad luck. But one day, when they were at a mini-golf course, Nate gets struck by lightning, but not entirely. His rod got struck, and it electricuted him. After that, he had a scar on his arm that said LY as in... lucky? And after that he was indeed very lucky. He no longer wanted to hang with his braniac friend, Genesis, and instead, played baseball, which he used to be terrible at. Soon, ppl started hating on Nate for his luckiness, winning everything, and he was getting vandalized. He suddenly didn't enjoy being lucky, and wanted things to be the way they used to be. But when a hurricane hits the island and he doesn't find Genesis, he goes out into the storm to search for her, and he finds her gathering the sea turtles eggs. They both get struck my lightning, this time, Genesis, a direct hit, and Nate, a half-hit... like last time. Very soon, he is back to normal, and the scars from the last strike are gone! But Genesis is another mess... and u'll hafta read the rest :)



By Vivian Vande Velde

I liked this book, I feel like I would have enjoyed it more if I was a younger age. I'd recommend the book to 4-8 year olds since it's more of a childish tale. I did enjoy the book though, it is about a girl name Imogene who is a princess. She does not like being a princess and often finds herself at the pond. One day, she is there and a frog comes up to her and tells her if you kiss me I will become a prince, without thinking she does it. Overall I think you should read this book if you are between 4-8

TBH #2: TBH, This May Be TMI

TBH #2: TBH, This May Be TMI

By Lisa Greenwald


This book is about the spring fair and how the girls will get ready, Prianka, Gabrielle And Cecily are planning to go to a spring fair but its only march. They are planning to find stuff to wear and to help with it, Until it gets cancelled. Then it changes everything. After it got rescheduled the girls got there around 7am and stayed til 3 pm (they skipped school) after they realized it got cancelled they decided not to go to the one in june. After the spring fair they all start 7th grade, and that where i leave you on a cliffhanger until you read it. If you struggle with anxiety or stress ins school or anything, this book is a way to just get into a deep thought about different characters and how they feel. Thats why i give it a 5 out of 5.

Herstory: 50 Women and Girls Who Shook Up the World

Herstory: 50 Women and Girls Who Shook Up the World

By Katherine Halligan

Herstory: 50 Women and Girls Who Shook Up the World. This was a great book. It talks about all these women and girls, who did many things for good, not for fame or something like that. All good. In history, women were discriminated, with not many rights, and stereotyped as weak, timid, and other qualities most people nowadays wouldn't approve of. The artwork is amazing, with lots of captions and pictures. I rate this 4 out of 5 stars.

The Ghost of Slappy (Goosebumps SlappyWorld #6)

The Ghost of Slappy (Goosebumps SlappyWorld #6)

By R. L. Stine

It's SOOOOOOOO awesome I wish it was more to the story but sadly its not. I really recommend it if you can buy it or you already have it its so addicting. R.L. Stine is just the best author for the horror genre and hes the best director i even binge watched his goosebumps show in the mid 1990's

Saige (Girl of the Year)

Saige (Girl of the Year)

By Jessie Haas

I thought this book was really good! It was so descriptive! And VERY well written. I loved how at the end it turned out that Tessa still cared about her and they were willing to still be friends, but just not as close as they were before. But even though she lost a really close relationship with Tessa, she gained a really close relationship with Gabi. The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars is that i wished it was longer. But overall it was a GREAT book and i definitely recommend it!

My Weirder-est School #1: Dr. Snow Has Got to Go!

My Weirder-est School #1: Dr. Snow Has Got to Go!

By Dan Gutman


I just got this book in january i did not get to read it yet but im sure it is very good

Crossing the Wire

Crossing the Wire

By Will Hobbs

The book I read was Crossing the Wire, by:Will Hobbs. This book is about a boy from Mexico named Victor Flores. He makes a living for his family from selling corn at a farm after his father died. His friend Rico crosses the border to America to start a new life. Victor asks his mom if he may go to "el Norte" to earn money. His mother agrees but it's not as easy as he thinks. Victor goes through many problems and hardships along the way. He meets three people who lead him to America. He goes through sewers, tricksters, border patrol, jail, gunfights, snake bites, desert heat and much more. He fails many times but finally crosses the border. My opinion of this book is great. I really enjoyed this book because the story moves right along. It's has great suspense and surprises. I also liked it because of the dialogue and Will Hobbs makes each person difference not only with accent but with personality and emotion. He developed the characters very well. This books genre is realistic fiction for many reasons. First of all these events can happen to anyone it has no supernatural or fantasy characters. Also it is describing an real issue that today is very common about crossing the border. The setting is realistic it's not in a whole different world. I think a person who would like this book would be a person who likes current events and lots of different characters. This book is based on many events that are very high debated today. Also this book has a lot of different people from Americans to police and Mexicans. You get to know a lot of new people. Victor has a lot of man v. self conflict in this book. He has a lot of thoughts because of the mistakes he's made he needs to think any decision through which can require a lot of debating with himself. Also, another type of conflict is man v. man. Since Victor has to fight with police officers, friends, drivers and family. He has a lot of conflicts person to person with people he meets.

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