Kids Books - Fantasy

The Power of Six (Lorien Legacies)

The Power of Six (Lorien Legacies)

By Pittacus Lore

The Power of Six is split into two perspectives: John’s perspective and Marina’s perspective. Finally, after all the fighting against the Mogadorians (which was mentioned in book one,) John finally settled everything and started to work together with Six. Meanwhile, Marina, which was also known as Number seven, was having issues with her cepan, Adelina, since her cepan somewhat left everything behind already. One day after Marina opened her chest, John and Six got a signal, which made them had the plan to find Marina. I really believe that John is an extremely brave person since he continued going even though Henri died, it’s not easy to let go of someone that you had loved for your entire life. That also connects to one of my favorite part of the novel, which was when John read the letter that Henri wrote for him. I personally think that’s it’s very touching, and it explained a lot of unsolved answers that John once had. I really enjoyed this novel, and I’ll suggest readers who has interests in adventure stories.



By Anna Carey

This book is really good, it is based in the future mostly in California. It is 2053 and petty much everyone has died from this virus.



By Ann Aguirre

Best Book Ever! Had me at the edge of my seat ! i never put it down!ever!!!!!!!!! Love, Katniss Everdeen

Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone)

Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone)

By Laini Taylor

i have seen bone book from my shcool my comunty libary but have never i mean never read a good book



By Mike Mullin

it was pretty good but it talked about some thing kids shouldnt know about until macmillen the romance too detailed

The Rise of Nine (Lorien Legacies, Book 3)

The Rise of Nine (Lorien Legacies, Book 3)

By Pittacus Lore

The Rise of Nine is third book of the series, and the loriens are getting stronger and stronger. Six found seven, eight, and ten while John found nine. They all share the same goal, which is to find one another and fight defeat Setrakus Ra and save both Lorien and Earth. Meanwhile, many challenges came across them and each of the Garde fought hard to defend themselves. They’re growing stronger than ever, they believe that soon enough they’ll be able to win the Mogadorians. This novel is split into three perspectives: John’s perspective, Six’s perspective, and Marina’s perspective. My favorite part is when they all come together and fought Setrakus Ra, the events that happened throughout the battle was extremely entertaining and made me wanted to read on. Also, I really admire Six because she’s really brave and strong, and I like the way how she act in the book and the way she talks. Other than that, I believe that this book gives us an advice, which is that you’ll be so much stronger together rather than alone. Throughout this entire story, they were quite weak when they’re alone, but as they start to find one another, they grew stronger than ever, which shows that how interacting with one another can change a lot. Overall, I really enjoy this book and I’ll suggest this book to readers who are interested in reading genres that’s related to adventure.

Dead is a Killer Tune

Dead is a Killer Tune

By Marlene Perez


oh my god. i love this serie i read all of the books except dead is a killer tune and dead is a battle field.

MILA 2.0: Redemption

MILA 2.0: Redemption

By Debra Driza

This book could not have been more beautifully written. Mila,on the run from Holland and facing the fear of a bomb in her abdomen. Having showed Hunter what she is and being under Quinn's control, she shot his stepdad. Now, Hunter hates her and doesn't trust her, the guy Mila loved so much. Mila is in hiding with Lucas, who has stood by her side through the thick and thin during the tests and pretty much, the whole story. The entire time, Mila feels as if she is betraying Hunter, and realizes that Lucas was the one for her. Their love is so beautiful and amazing that is was unbearable and so heartbreaking for Holland to activate the bomb and end their love. I cried a lot and I read my own copy a lot just to remember it. Mila rescues the victims of Grassi and their hybrid android experiments. I love this series, this book, and most certainly, how beautiful this story was written. I most certainly recommend this book to anyone 13+.

Switch!: The Lost Kingdoms of Karibu (Volume 1)

Switch!: The Lost Kingdoms of Karibu (Volume 1)

By Karen Prince


I had 2 read this book for a book report and it was alright, the story was different, but the charecters were really bland

The Fate: Book 1: Tournament Wysteria (Fates of the New School)

The Fate: Book 1: Tournament Wysteria (Fates of the New School)

By John Ko

Gamey Ostrich

I haven't read the book yet but I really want to read it when I read the summery it started pulling me in.

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