Kids Books - E

Wizard of Ooze (Ravenspell) (Volume 2)

Wizard of Ooze (Ravenspell) (Volume 2)

By David Farland

Like I said, you really get into the book. I like when Amber thinks Ben is dead and hugs him when she sees him and realizes he's alive. A very happy ending, too!

Moment of Truth (Saranormal)

Moment of Truth (Saranormal)

By Phoebe Rivers

it is so interesting, i could not put it down!

The Chalk Box Kid (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))

The Chalk Box Kid (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))

By Clyde Robert Bulla

In chalk box kid 9 year old Gregory is moving to a new town and it not easy making friends . So he draws pictures in a empty building .Greg stars liking his new town. I loved the pictures Gregory drew. I think This book is great because all the pictures and colors you should read it.This book made me think that drawing is a good way to get over sadness.over all this book was awesome.

[(Phone Home, Persephone! )] [Author: Kate McMullan] [Oct-2013]

[(Phone Home, Persephone! )] [Author: Kate McMullan] [Oct-2013]

By Kate McMullan

You should read Phone Home Persephone because... There are a lot of exciting moments! Its hilarious! When I read it there were a lot of unexpected things! Persephone has a very over protective mom. Her mom calls to check in on her every 5 minutes! I really enjoy this book I hope you do too!

Ghostgirl. Canción de Navidad

Ghostgirl. Canción de Navidad

By Tonya Hurley

this book was amazing and interesting and fun to read. i recommend this book to everyone. GREAT BOOK!

Judy Moody cambia de look

Judy Moody cambia de look

By Megan (1959- ); Rozarena, P. (1927- ) (trad.); Reynolds, Peter (1961- ) (il.) McDonald

This one is my favorite

Marine! : The Life of Chesty Puller (Bantam Books #S2745)

Marine! : The Life of Chesty Puller (Bantam Books #S2745)

By Burke Davis

OUTSTANDING BOOK! I am a fan of The Marine Corps and this book told the story of the best Marine and probably the soldier in my opinion. In this book find out what made this Marine so special and what he did to win a few of the highest medals a soldier can get!

Step Fourth, Mallory

Step Fourth, Mallory

By Laurie Friedman

im reading this book at school im almost done with it

Summer Vacation from the Black Lagoon

Summer Vacation from the Black Lagoon

By Mike Thaler

this book is so funny I read all of them

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