Kids Books - Classics

Now We Are Six (Winnie-the-Pooh)

Now We Are Six (Winnie-the-Pooh)

By A. A. Milne

An amazing book of poetry by A.A Milne featuring Winnie the Pooh who is my favourite little bear in the whole entire world 🌎 # IS AMAZING 😉

Dos Años de Vacaciones (Spanish Edition)

Dos Años de Vacaciones (Spanish Edition)

By Julio Verne

This book is amazing it has cool pictures!

A Swiftly Tilting Planet (Time Quintet)

A Swiftly Tilting Planet (Time Quintet)

By Madeleine L'Engle

I think it is going to be awesome once Charles meets the magically time traveling unicorn I've read the others before this one and i am still hooked on i cant believe they are all grown up except for Charles, wawawaaaann :( but hes at least fifteen so pretty close.

The Mystery of the Invisible Thief (Enid Blyton)

The Mystery of the Invisible Thief (Enid Blyton)

By Enid Blyton

akif dadarkar

its so good hardly can stop reading. once finished you can read read it again and again and again........

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Uncle Tom's Cabin

By Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher

WHAT a wonderful story

The Gingerbread Man

The Gingerbread Man

By Parragon Books

Great simple story 2/5, the part I didn't really like is that it repeats.

War and Peace (Classics)

War and Peace (Classics)

By Leo Tolstoy

Okay. Let me get this straight. Most people won't believe me, but I have read this whole book, all 1000+ pages. It is so dry. If you dunked it in a bathtub filled with water, it would still be dry. If you dumped it in the Pacific Ocean, it would STILL be dry! It took two months to read (a normal 500 page would take me an estimated three weeks) and the epilogue had like, two parts! It's an achievement to finish reading the whole book, and definitely another to enjoy it (which I did not). If you really feel like reading this, go for it, but personally, I would not recommend it. I could rant on and on about War and Peace and its dryness, but I don't want to have you all staring at your devices for six hours or more just because you are reading this review, so, I'll put it into a "short" summary: It takes place in Russia in the 1800s and Russia is fighting in a war. The women get SUPER emotional about how their husbands are going away to war. A lot of people die. It's not super graphic, but it's not just "He was fighting. He died" either. I really disliked this book. Mic drop.

Three Little Pigs

Three Little Pigs

By Riley Weber

i like the book

Magic Faraway Tree (The Faraway Tree Book 2)

Magic Faraway Tree (The Faraway Tree Book 2)

By Enid Blyton

It is cool how they go to different lands and sometimes they get stuck



By Naylor Phyllis Reynolds, Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

i read this book 8 times and i cried every time today during class after the party we watched it i cried too

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