Kids Books - Children

Real or Fake? 2: More Far-Out Fibs, Fishy Facts, and Phony Photos to Test for the Truth

Real or Fake? 2: More Far-Out Fibs, Fishy Facts, and Phony Photos to Test for the Truth

By Emily Krieger

How this book is setup there is a weird thing is says stuff about says babysitters for think in your head if it's real or not then you turn the page and it says fake!or real! This book tells many things I thought where real or take but where not!I really enjoyed this book.I recommend to all ages and I rate this book 5/5 stars 😁 😁 - Pizzagirl7 😁 😁

BONE Handbook

BONE Handbook

By Jeff Smith

My favorite part of this was the little funny comic on the was about the two little boys (bone things) have a kite and the made it out of grannys underpants 😂😂 I thought this book was pretty cool with all of the cool stuffing talks about in it.I recommend this book to all ages and I rate this book 3/5'stars 😁 😁 -Pizzagirl7 😁 😁

This or That Survival Debate: A Rip-Roaring Game of Either/Or Questions

This or That Survival Debate: A Rip-Roaring Game of Either/Or Questions

By Erik Heinrich

This book is on each page it's a question like " do you want to do in quick sand or thin ice then you chose and it tells you facts about it.this is a very interesting book I very much enjoyed this book 😄 I would love to read it again😉 did you know that lightning releases it's electrical charge Into the nearest object it can find.the nearest object is usually also the tallest .that's why taking shelter under a bridge or a tree increases your chances of being struck by lightning .i recommend this book to all ages and I rate this book 3/5 stars 😁 😁 -Pizzagirl7 😁 😁

Dwight Howard: Superman of Basketball (Inspiring Lives)

Dwight Howard: Superman of Basketball (Inspiring Lives)

By Malcolm J Harasymiw

Dwight Howard is one of the best players in the NBA .he is number 12 on the Orlando magic .Dwight was born in Atlanta ,Georgia ,in 1985 .his father is a policewoman his mother played basketball 🏀 in high school....I loved this book I thought it was very good.I recommend this book to all ages and I rate this book 5/5 stars 😁 😁 -Pizzagirl7 😁 😁

Infinity Ring Book 2: Divide and Conquer

Infinity Ring Book 2: Divide and Conquer

By Carrie Ryan

This was so good! I LOVE how they, although we have a different author than the last book, have the same personalities and traits, and also, I'd like to commend Carrie on the great job of Sera and Bill's romance - not too thick, not too cheesy, just enough for you to notice something is there that's more than a friendship. Also, just when you think the adventure is retiring - BAM! Another problem, and more of that much loved action from Dan, Sera, and Riq. You can stop at any part in the book, but you won't hesitate to open it again - In fact, you'll be rearing to reopen it again to the page that you left off - That's how good it is. It's hard to write a book so brimming with action, yet still has moments of serenity, grief, humor, and a tinge of romance - But Carrie Ryan really did it in this book.

Gypsy Summer

Gypsy Summer

By Wilma Yeo

When a mysterious Gypsy, called Marya, decides to dwell in the secret hideout of Katy and her brother, Walter, Katy is not happy and tries to kick her out. But after being threatened with evil spells, and that Walter is starting to act oddly, she learns that since Marya is the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter, she has very special powers. Then Katy discovers that Marya also has problems of her own and finally decides to release her grudge against the Gypsy, which results in becoming best friends. Soon she learns many interesting things from Marya, and have many interesting adventures. But tragedy has struck, and Katy finally realizes something very important. I would recommend this for ages 10+ So this book wasn't like I thought it would be. The characters were really fun to learn more about and I liked the growing friendship between Marya and Katy. I wish that there was a sequel but there isn't. Everything was super interesting and this is probably my favorite "old literature" book.

Devotions Off the Map: A 52-Week Devotional Journey (Seasons)

Devotions Off the Map: A 52-Week Devotional Journey (Seasons)

By B&H Kids Editorial Staff

God has a amazing plan for your kids' futures, and these 52 devotions will help them map out their journeys. Weekly reading will take kids through a year of having a good spirit their guide is this to read Ages 0+ ShoddyRobin66's Ratings!



By Ami Polonsky

In the book, Threads, Clara finds a note written by a Chinese girl, Yuming, who is trapped in a pink factory with other children and a photograph in a purse. Somehow, Clara feels like this note was meant for her because her adoptive sister from China had died. Clara sets off to find Yuming and rescue her, but on the way she finds her own soul again. With one act of bravery, these two girl’s lives connect, in this powerful book full of hope and emotions.

Grumpy Monkey

Grumpy Monkey

By Suzanne Lang

I did not really like this book. I only read it because the title sounded fun and it was on a summer reading list. It's about a monkey who is very grumpy. Everyone thinks he's grumpy but he says, "I'M NOT GRUMPY!" It ends with his friend being grumpy because he danced with a porcupine and got spikes on him. So they are both grumpy.

Last Stand on the Ocean Shore: The Mystery of Herobrine: Book Three: A Gameknight999 Adventure: An Unofficial Minecrafter's Adventure (Minecraft Gamer's Adventure)

Last Stand on the Ocean Shore: The Mystery of Herobrine: Book Three: A Gameknight999 Adventure: An Unofficial Minecrafter's Adventure (Minecraft Gamer's Adventure)

By Mark Cheverton

In the third adventure in the gameknight999 Herobrine is trying to get ALL the mobs to go against Gameknight999 and destroy the server once and for all. Gameknight999 and his sister are trapped in the minecraft server and are not quite sure how to get out. . . But what they know for sure is they MUST stop Herobrine from destroying there server! Read this epic tale of you love minecraft stories! Recommended for 11+ Thanks for reading -Ajg16's reviews

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