Kids Books - Animals

Meet the Bigfeet (The Yeti Files #1)

Meet the Bigfeet (The Yeti Files #1)

By Kevin Sherry

While this book is below my grade level - way below - I actually found it to be amusing to an extent. This story is told through the perspective of Blizz Richards, a yeti who hangs around other creatures to study them. All of them have one thing in common : they can't be seen by humans. So when Blizz's cousin disappears, ashamed after being captured on camera by one of the world's most motivated cryptids researcher, Blizz makes it his mission to find his cousin during the family reunion. He does, and things only take a more interesting turn from there. Spoiler: the picture does not make it into the hands of the 'researcher' I think that as a book for younger children, Sherry's story is a good one. Definitely something I would give to a younger sibling as a gift. However, through the eyes of a more experienced reader, the plot is a little too simple, or coincidental. In all, I would rate this with 4 stars.

Ghost Dog Secrets

Ghost Dog Secrets

By Peg Kehret

Do you like dogs? Do you believe in ghosts? If you do then this is a book for you. It's called Ghost Dog Secrets by Peg Kehret. In the beginning of the book the main character Rusty, sees a dog chained to a tree with no food, no water, and no shelter. The protagonists are Rusty and Andrew, and the antagonists are the dog owner and Gerald. Rusty feeds the dog everyday and gives him water. Rusty and Andrew take the chained dog and name it Ra. This is a really good book, it has action, and fantasy, oh yeah in the 2nd chapter there's a ghost dog that helps Rusty help the dog. I hope you like this book. The book starts at Rusty's house.

My Fox Ate My Report Card

My Fox Ate My Report Card

By David Blaze

This is a really good book. I just read it today and wanted to read the other books in the series. I definitely recommend this book because it kept me intruiged and because some parts of the book were really funny.

My Cat Ate My Homework

My Cat Ate My Homework

By David Blaze

This book, like the other ones in the series, is a blast to read! Once I start a book in this series I don't want to put it down until I've finished it and this book was no exception. I would most definitely recommend this book if you like laughing because with this book you'll laugh for sure.

Bringing Me Back

Bringing Me Back

By Beth Vrabel

When Noah's mother is arrested, he has to live with her boyfriend. Who, hes pretty sure hes just waiting to kick him out. His mother was arrested for drunk driving, but she had promised she would never do it again a long time ago, yeah, we see how well that worked out. At school he sees a bear with a bucket over its head, but it runs away when he tries to help it. Soon "Bucket Bear" becomes a huge thing. With everyone trying to help it. The only reason i gave this 4 stars is because i found a bunch of misspellings in it. About 3, but there should only be 1 or 0

Just So Stories

Just So Stories

By Rudyard Kipling

This collection of very enjoyable stories will tell you from How Camel Got His Hump, to How Jauger got his spots. They will make you laugh with their antics and read with interest throughout the book. I would recommend this for ages 9+ This bookw as super good and I really liked it becuase I usually like folk tales and stuff like that. All of the stories were so unique and fun to read.

Put Me In The Zoo

Put Me In The Zoo

By Robert Lopshire

When I was a toddler, I enjoyed this book. My younger brother also enjoyed this book when he was a toddler. And now, our baby brother enjoys this book. My younger brother and I love to read this book to our baby brother. It is short and sweet.

Guess How Much I Love You

Guess How Much I Love You

By Sam McBratney

This book is among those amazing classics that hold a special place in my heart. When I was younger, (some would argue that I am still young , but the keyword is younger, not young,) my mother would read this book with me multiple times everyday.

National Geographic Animal Encyclopedia: 2,500 Animals with Photos, Maps, and More!

National Geographic Animal Encyclopedia: 2,500 Animals with Photos, Maps, and More!

By Lucy Spelman

Oh my gosh. This book is SO amazing! It is full of tons and tons and TONS of animals that you would probably never imagine that existed! If you are a animal lover, this book is 100% for you! I learned so much from this book, and a lot about my favorite animal- the beluga whale! The colors in this book also make it pop and for me at least make me want to read it more- which is why I love National Geographic. And it's details are great! I feel that I know almost every animal ever now! (Not really, there is only 2,500 animals in the book and I can tell you right now there is way way way way more animals then that, and of course it's really hard to fit every single animal in the world into one book, it would be bigger then an adult!) This book is definitley on my list of favorite books, and i'm sure if you read it- it'll be on there too!

Llama Llama Mad at Mama

Llama Llama Mad at Mama

By Anna Dewdney

Llama was home playing with his toys and mama said that she had to go to the market and mama got mad at baby llama and then they cleaned up the mess that baby llama made

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