Kids Books - Adventure Books

The Dead of Night  (The 39 Clues: Cahills vs. Vespers, Book 3)

The Dead of Night (The 39 Clues: Cahills vs. Vespers, Book 3)

By Peter Lerangis

Mark rosenbloom can NOT be Vesper One. I wont go into ALL the details, but remember Mycintire was stabbed with a hypodermic needle, and right before was all like, "YOU!!!" So it was obviously a familiar face, (maybe Amy and Dan's dad, Arthur Trent because he was angry that Grace's and Hope's lawyer didn't, like, testify for the terrible fire that gulped up his wife, Hope?) Also, Vesper One has a nasty scar on his arm from a "Cahill event", (maybe the fire??!) Also , he sent Dan messages on the special phone, so he must be in, like, a Vesper position with great authority. He sent, "SUSPEND JUDGMENT", maybe cause he knew his kids saw the Vespers unbeleivably evil, but he didn't want them to think that of their own father? And, "The whole story is more complex than it's parts", (What could be more complex than thinking your own father wandered to the dark side, but he thinks he has a good reason? Also, he was in the Vespers before he married Hope, so it wouldn't be too hard to get back in See who I'm pointing at here??

Further Tale Of Peter Rabbit,The

Further Tale Of Peter Rabbit,The

By Emma Thompson

I read this book first when I was learning to read . It really intrigued to me even though I am much above the recommended age level of this book. Everyone in my year called me childish for reading this book when we can read whatever we want to. However old you are, if you love rabbits or any forest animal I reccomend you read this book because it will take you on an adventure very unique to other books. This is why this book's rating is ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Shadowsea - Cogheart Adventures

Shadowsea - Cogheart Adventures

By Peter Bunzl

I am currently reading this book. I am still on the epilogue and I hope to finish it before i get back to school. I have read the other books in this series and I have enjoyed them so I cant wait to see what adventure this book will take me on! Zzamazingcoco🐇

Five on a Treasure Island

Five on a Treasure Island


like ever i will never get board to his stories..they are so amazing and so good..i guess i always read his books at library period..i would love to read more of his books my school there is mostly noddy and famous five..enid blyton is one of my favorite aurthor

The Lost Island of Tamarind (The Book of Tamarind)

The Lost Island of Tamarind (The Book of Tamarind)

By Nadia Aguiar

i like this book because it is very adventurous and it has a lot of action

Summer Term at Malory Towers (Malory Towers (Pamela Cox))

Summer Term at Malory Towers (Malory Towers (Pamela Cox))

By Pamela Cox

arrghhh! I've seen the TV show but now I'M wishing I got that! my favorite character is Sally, who is yours? I noticed it says Pamela and that is the name of the person who chose who went on the lacrosse team, is that the same person?

Zero G (The Zero Chronicles)

Zero G (The Zero Chronicles)

By Dan Wells

Imagine if you were traveling to a new planet on a huge spaceship? Then imagine if the pod that was keeping you alive, young and well through the long journey from Earth malfunctioned, leaving you awake 100 years before you were supposed to arrive at the new planet? This all happened to Zero, a kid who's innitial excitement of being alone on the ship after he was awakened is crushed when a band of pirates boards the ship with a plan to destroy it and enslave all the people aboard. Zero now has to find a way to save himself and eveyrone aboard the spaceship from exslavement, while trying to make sure he can not be found by these evil pirates. This is an amazing, cosmic, sci-fy story about the power of believing in the out of the universe!

Mulan: Before the Sword

Mulan: Before the Sword

By Grace Lin

Right now I am reading this book, and wow! This is set back to before Mulan, you know, pulled the sword. Mulan's little sister is in danger and Mulan and this immortal bunny rabbit must travel together to stop the evil-doer who caused Mulan's little sister harm and who has evil intentions towards the immortal bunny rabbit and the world. I do not know if I convinced everyone with my pathetic summary but as a good adventure book critic, I say that this is a definite must read for everyone who has seen the movie.

Ms. Bixby's Last Day

Ms. Bixby's Last Day

By John David Anderson

If your favorite teacher had to leave, what would you do? Would you host a huge goodbye party, or would you sadly watch her walk away? When Ms. Bixby reveals that she has cancer, three boys try to help her celebrate her last days happily. This is a truly touching story about friendship, love, and pushing people to be their best...and it will defenitly make you cry at the end. "If you only had one last day on earth..."

Shatterproof (The 39 Clues: Cahills vs. Vespers, Book 4)

Shatterproof (The 39 Clues: Cahills vs. Vespers, Book 4)

By Roland Smith

Dan and Amy are sent on another crazy mission to retrieve an obscule item on the orders and threat of the Vespers. This time, they know the Vespers are out to get Dan's best friend, Atticus, who is, apparently, a "guardian". In order to save seven hostages of their own family, Amy and Dan must steal the Golden Jubilee, one of the biggest and most heavily-guarded diamonds in the world. There's another problem- from The Medusa painting to the De Virga map, Dan and Amy have pinpointed themselves onto the Interpol's Most Wanted list.

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