Kids Books - Adult

Once a Witch

Once a Witch

By Carolyn MacCullough

This book is sooo good.. I am so in love with the characters. I really recommend for readers to read this book!! Its sooo good



By Claudia Gray

It's a good book

Life is Funny

Life is Funny

By E.R. Frank

this was a good book

I Am The Great Horse

I Am The Great Horse

By Katherine Roberts


Twenty Boy Summer

Twenty Boy Summer

By Sarah Ockler

I read the book Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler. This book is about a girl named Anna and her best friend Frankie on there trip to California with Frankie's parents. Frankie had a brother named Matt and Anna and Matt were secretly dating for about a month without Frankie finding out. One day Matt,Frankie, and Anna got in a car accident and Matt dies. Frankie never finds out. So, Frankie, Anna and Frankie's parents go off to California to try and get over the loss of Matt. Frankie and Anna make a bet who ever can date 20 boys over three weeks when they are in California they win. I really liked this book because of all the romance between Anna and the boys she dates. This is realistic fiction because this could happen to any girl in real life. I think people who like romance would like this book . And, I think girls would like this book. I think this because there is a lot of dating in this book.

Young Children, Videos and Computer Games: Issues for Teachers and Parents

Young Children, Videos and Computer Games: Issues for Teachers and Parents

By Jack Sanger, Jane Wilson, Bryn Davies, Roger Whittaker

This book is called Young Children, Videos and Computer Games: Issues for Teachers and Parents, by Jock Sanger, this book is talking about should computer game be allowed. Also talking why some teachers and parents don't think computer games are good. Talk about good and bad reasons about computer games. I chose this book because it talk about my topic "should esport be considered a sport". In the book there's a lot of good reasons, can give me ideas to my writing. For example in the book mention that parents and teachers think that computer games are bad for body, but some people think computer games can increase the brain development. Anyways I would strongly recommend people who are interested in this topic, or people want to know more about computer gaming to read this book.

Lady Knight (Protector of the Small, 4)

Lady Knight (Protector of the Small, 4)

By Tamora Pierce

Probably one of the best books EVER WRITTEN! You will love this action-packed book. Kel is a Lady knight now, and she goes on an adventure to conquer her worst fear. It won't be easy, though.

As I Wake

As I Wake

By Elizabeth Scott


I really love this book I literally cried.

Ultimate Hulk vs. Iron Man: Ultimate Human

Ultimate Hulk vs. Iron Man: Ultimate Human

By Warren Ellis

i hope iron man wins the fight

Never Let You Go

Never Let You Go

By Emma Carlson Berne

I really want to read this book! I read the description and this book sounds awesome!

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