Kids Books - Action

War of the Realms (Valkyrie)

War of the Realms (Valkyrie)

By Kate O'Hearn

This book is the third book of the truck and I'm on the second book I don't know a little bit ago and I'm reading on the Kindle but I can't wait for this to come out and what is it January 2nd will 7 more days until it comes out really really exciting for me and a little bit more than I do like the first one but it isn't so good so exciting to see what happens and I'm on page 45 but it's really really good, Kendall it says that I'm on 45%45 but I mean like it will show show good I hope they make a movie about it so I can watch the movie

The Woodshed Mystery

The Woodshed Mystery

By Gertrude Chandler Warner


It is the only book I have not read so far of the books I should read it aso!!!😀😀😀

Book of Dragons (How to Train Your Dragon TV)

Book of Dragons (How to Train Your Dragon TV)

By Maggie Testa

This book is the best it is like the exact copy of how it looks I how to train your dragon 1 and shows all information about the dragons all around berk and the other islands and guess what the night fury still hasen't been written but since we know about the night fury and stuff you can write it down and shows true information and dragonese writing but I under stand cause you can look in the back what the word is and this is the complete book of dragons not the imcomplete.

I Have a Bad Feeling About This

I Have a Bad Feeling About This

By Jeff Strand

This is what happens if you don't see the sign written in blood. This book is super funny and awesome too. If you have not seen this book before, READ IT!!!!! You will not be sorry. YOU WILL LOVE IT I AM TELLING YOU!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D

The Heir of Mistmantle (The Mistmantle Chronicles)

The Heir of Mistmantle (The Mistmantle Chronicles)

By M.I. Mcallister

Yes, I am going to keep blabbing about how much I love Mistmantle. Till the end of time I will love Mistmantle. This book had so many great moments and was an exciting emotional roller coaster.

Hurricane Katrina Rescue (Ranger in Time #8)

Hurricane Katrina Rescue (Ranger in Time #8)

By Kate Messner

I like these series. The preview looks good too! I'm getting it,

The Border

The Border

By Steve Schafer

This book is about Arbo (16), Pato (16), Gladys (15), and Marcos (17). Then and all there families were at friends quinceañera when a big gang in Mexico (Narcos). Overnight they get a $2,500 bounty on there heads. They decide it's time to leave Mexico and cross the border to the United States. They don't have enough money so they can't hide a guia (I'm pretty sure that's Spanish for guide) so they decide to take on the desert head on with barely enough supplies - only what they can carry. But they run into trouble along the way. . . Will they all make it? Read the book to find out! I would recommend for 13 and up. Thanks for reading -Ajg15's Reviews

The Velveteen Rabbit,

The Velveteen Rabbit,

By Margery Williams

My book review on the Velveteen Rabbit by: Margey Williams . this book was about a stuffed bunny that came to life from nursery magic. I loved all the colors and pictures in the book. This book made me wonder is nursery magic real.

Dear America: A City Tossed and Broken

Dear America: A City Tossed and Broken

By Judy Blundell

Love it!! It was very descriptive and I am happy I read it. It makes me feel like our earthquakes are so tiny! :D

The Adventures of Nanny Piggins

The Adventures of Nanny Piggins

By R. A. Spratt

This series is SO creative and funny ! This is totally my favorite book , series ! This book is about a nanny who ia a pig . Nanny Piggins watched three wonderful kids named Samatha , Derrick and Michael. Nanny's brother is a 10 foot dancing bear from russia . Mr Green is a horrible man . Nanny and the children play many funny pranks on him . If you have any questions about this book , ask me !

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