The Red Pyramid (The Kane Chronicles, Book 1)

The Red Pyramid (The Kane Chronicles, Book 1)

By Rick Riordan

290 ratings 269 reviews 439 followers
Book 1 of 3 in the  The Kane Chronicles Series
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 2 - 5n/a4.5124305

Since his mother’s death six years ago, Carter Kane has been living out of a suitcase, traveling the globe with his father, the brilliant Egyptologist Dr. Julius Kane. But while Carter’s been homeschooled, his younger sister, Sadie, has been living with their grandparents in London. Sadie has just what Carter wants — school friends and a chance at a “normal” life. But Carter has just what Sadie longs for—time with their father. After six years of living apart, the siblings have almost nothing in common. Until now.


On Christmas Eve, Sadie and Carter are reunited when their father brings them to the British Museum, with a promise that he’s going to “make things right.” But all does not go according to plan: Carter and Sadie watch as Julius summons a mysterious figure, who quickly banishes their father and causes a fiery explosion.


Soon Carter and Sadie discover that the gods of Ancient Egypt are waking, and the worst of them—Set—has a frightening scheme. To save their father, they must embark on a dangerous journey—a quest that brings them ever closer to the truth about their family and its links to the House of Life, a secret order that has existed since the time of the pharaohs.


Publisher: Puffin
ISBN-13: 9780141384948
ISBN-10: 1410425363
Binding: Hardcover

Book Reviews (269)

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Everyone knows that any book by Rick Riordan has to be amazing and is impossible to stop reading well The Red Pyramid is just like that. In the Kane Chronicles we learn all about Egyption mythology and about dark secret that has been held on for a very long time. Sadie and Carter have to find their father and return the evil gods back to where they belong.

This is a great book. this story is welcomed in a different way than the greeks, and i like this way. i think sadies part of the story is so funny. i think it is so cool that their dad is oasis. I really liked bast and carter and the baboon.

Riordan takes a completely different angle on Egyptian mythology than he did with the Greek mythology. In this book, there is another dimension, the Duat, full of monsters, gods, and monstrous gods. Before reading, I didn't know much of Egyptian myths, and I read up on them afterwards. Egyptian stories are very confusing but Riordan unifies them under a few principles and makes them fit into a coherent book.

Although Carter and Sadie Kane are siblings, if they were standing in the same room you would never know. Not to mention the fact that Sadie and Carter have been separated ever since their mom died, Carter going with their dad to study Egypt and Sadie living with their grandparents in England. When their dad takes Carter to see Sadie and brings them to the British Museum, they see that their father wants more than ever to bring their mom back. When their visit to the Rosetta Stone goes wrong and Carter and Sadie's father is imprisoned by a strange creature, they realize just how much they don't know about Julian Kane. Toss in a few monsters, some angry Egyptian Gods, and a good dose of Egyptian magic, and suddenly Carter and Sadie are on a quest to get their dad back without getting killed themselves. This book is amazing and I totally recommend it to anyone who loves fantasy, mythology, and adventure! Rick Riordan is an amazing author and paints pictures with his writing, allowing the reader to be transported into Carter and Sadie's world. I would give this book 5/5 stars and recommend it for ages 10+!

It was a GREAT book! I enjoyed learning about Egyptian Mythology while reading a hilarious story about two siblings! Rick Riordan is a talented author, and I'm a huge fan of his books! (Mostly Magnus Chase!!!!!!!!!)

Carter Kane who is 14 years old & his sister Sadie Kane is 12, they've only seen each other 12 times in the past 6 years (twice a year). There are is an archeologist who has traveled the world with Carter those 6 years, Sadie has been living in Britain with her grandparents. Normal Family right? Wrong. Carter & Sadie find out they have ancient Egyptian magic in there blood by mistake and has set out one excellent adventure after another.This book is absolutely amazing and it's by the one and only Rick Riordan! It was not a mistake to read this it had the perfect humor, plot, adventure as any book from this author. So DEFINITELY READ THIS! -Ajg15

The Red Pyramid seems like an incredible story to read. It includes action and best of all, it is about Ancient Egypt, which is very interesting. Rick Riordan is one of my favorite authors and makes some of the best stories I have ever seen, so I am really excited to reading this book.

This book is a great start of a new adventure in the series of books Rick Riordan has written. In this book two siblings named Sadie and Carter learn his father is an Egyptian magician and is trying to bring back their dead mother with magic. After a disaster with the Rosetta Stone, their uncle brings them to his home and introduces them to Egyptian magic. He teaches them about their history and how they are magicians with the most potential even born in history. Sadie and Carter are expected to prevent the massive destruction the chaos god Set is trying to create.

Rick Riordan is one of those authors that just never disappoint. The Red Pyramid was an incredible read for me. At first, I was slightly hesitant in starting because I was not used to the realm of Egyptian gods and goddesses. I preferred my little bubble of Greek gods and goddesses that Rick Riordan had built for me when he had written the Percy Jackson series. However, I gave it a try and I do not regret it at all. The Red Pyramid had a brilliant amount of description. The number of scenes where I could straight up picture where everyone was and have a mental film running through my mind as I read was endless. Rick Riordan was able to paint a vibrant picture for me as the reader as I went from one page to the next. The characters were all nicely developed with strong personalities and characteristics contributing a lot to the plotline (which may I add was genius). Of course like all the books Riordan has ever written, the humor was not lacking whatsoever. I enjoyed the thrill I experienced while reading this book along with the knowledge I gained about the Egyptian gods and goddesses.

I am not really a fan of Rick Riordan but this book was still really good i like how these books have some history in them and the red pyramid is really interesting though i lost interest in it after a while.

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