Izzy Newton and the S.M.A.R.T. Squad: Absolute Hero (Book 1)

Izzy Newton and the S.M.A.R.T. Squad: Absolute Hero (Book 1)

By Tripp, Valerie

24 ratings 46 reviews 38 followers

A crowded new school and a crazy class schedule is enough to make Izzy feel dizzy. It may be the first day of middle school, but as long as her best friends Allie Einstein and Charlie Darwin are by her side, Izzy knows it'll all be okay. However, first-day jitters take an icy turn when Izzy's old pal Marie Curie comes back to town. Instead of a warm welcome, Marie gives her former pal the cold shoulder. The problems pile up when the school's air-conditioning goes on the fritz and the temperature suddenly drops to near freezing. The adults don't seem to have a clue how to thaw out the school. Cold temperatures and a frigid friendship? Izzy has had enough of feeling like an absolute zero. She rallies the girls to use their brainpower and science smarts to tackle the school's chilly mystery ... and hopefully to fix a certain frozen friendship along the way. Will the girls succeed and become the heroes of Atom Middle School?

Publisher: Under the Stars
ISBN-13: 9781426338694
ISBN-10: 1426338694
Published on 9/8/2020
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 192

Book Reviews (45)

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this book looks so fun to read

Angeline Zarate Angeline Zarate

wow this book is so fun to red because it's a girl and she is with his friends on the bikes and she is going to the park and she is going to to go to the pool and she said I love to goo the pool.

hailey hailey

i loove this book

Vivi Vivi

I want to read this