Kids News - Articles for Grade 3

Natural Disaster Expertise Helped Limit Earthquake Death Toll In Taiwan

On April 3, 2024, a 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck Taiwan's east coast. The tremor, centered 11 miles south of the coastal city of Hualien, was the most powerful to hit the island nation in 25 years. It was felt across the country and as far away as Hong Kong and Shanghai, China. The quake sent boulders and mud tumbling down the mountains and destroyed or damaged several buildings in Hualien. At least 13 people were killed, and over a thousand were injured. As of April 7, 2024, rescuers were still looking for six people believed to be buried in the rubble....

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Natural Disaster Expertise Helped Limit Earthquake Death Toll In Taiwan

Gene-Edited Pig Kidney Transplanted Into Living Person For The First Time

In a world first, doctors at the Massachusetts General Hospital (Mass General) in Boston have successfully transplanted a genetically modified pig kidney into a living person. The March 21, 2024, announcement came just months after the successful completion of similar transplants in deceased individuals. The historic four-hour surgery took place on March 16, 2024. The 15-member transplant team included experts who had spent their entire careers working on organ research....

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Gene-Edited Pig Kidney Transplanted Into Living Person For The First Time

Tiny Frog With Mushroom Growing From its Side Found In India

In the summer of 2023, Lohit Y.T. and his team at the World Wildlife Fund-India traveled to the foothills of the Western Ghats in Karnataka, India. They hoped to research the area's amphibians and reptiles, which often emerge during the humid monsoon season. While documenting a cluster of about 40 Rao's intermediate golden-backed frogs near a small pond, the naturalists noticed something unusual. One of the amphibians had a mushroom sprouting from its side!...

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Tiny Frog With Mushroom Growing From its Side Found In India

Prepare Your Pranks: April Fools' Day Is Just Around The Corner!

For people who enjoy pranks, there is no better holiday than April Fools' Day. Celebrated annually on April 1, it is the only day of the year when light-hearted tricks are not frowned upon. The origin of this fun tradition is hazy. Some maintain that it started in 1582 when the world moved from the Julian calendar — which began the new year in April — to the current Gregorian calendar. Others think it was to celebrate the onset of spring....

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Prepare Your Pranks: April Fools' Day Is Just Around The Corner!

Easter Celebrations And Traditions From Around The World

Easter, the oldest and most important Christian festival, will be observed on March 31, 2024. The holiday commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many American adults mark the event by attending special church services. For children in the US, Easter means egg hunts, parades, and the Easter Bunny. But not everyone celebrates the holiday with these traditions. Here are a few fun customs from around the world....

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Easter Celebrations And Traditions From Around The World

Ingenious "Fish Doorbell" Helps Fish Migration In The Netherlands

Every spring, many fish species migrate from the Vecht, a branch of the Rhine River, to the shallow waters of the Kromme Rijn River to spawn and reproduce. However, their journey often stops at the Weerdsluis lock in Utrecht, Netherlands. The manually operated lock, designed to maintain the canal's water levels, rarely opens in the spring months. But now, thanks to an interactive "fish doorbell," the marine animals are able to reach their destination with little or no disruption....

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Ingenious "Fish Doorbell" Helps Fish Migration In The Netherlands