mak-rose123's Activity (2180)

  • callie_b
    callie_b took a quiz.
    Almost 4 years ago
  • callie_b
    callie_bliked a comment in National Geographic Kids Book Club.
    Here's some questions! 1. Do you have any trips you were planning that got canceled because of covid? 2. How long has it been since your last haircut? Do you want to grow your hair out or cut it shorter? 3. Do you prefer to have the same thing for breakfast every day, or something different every day? 4. Are the libraries open where you live? Bonus Question! Have you ever read Sorcery of Thorns? I've been meaning to try it out, is it any good? THANKS!
    Almost 4 years ago
  • wolfdog
    wolfdog added a new comment in
    Almost 4 years ago
  • wolfdog
    wolfdog added a book review.
    I finally got around to read this book! It's a beautiful story and it's totally original. There's many surprises in this book, most being totally unpredictable which gives the story a nice edge. This story is told from the perspective of 3 major characters. Alice, Millie, and Jeremy. My favorite character by far in this story was Millie. Millie has big dreams—like singing. Unfortunately though, her fearful and strict tribe forbids Millie to go out into the "No-Fur" world in fear that the "No-Furs" will hunt down the Yares (aka bigfoots)! But eventually, Millie's curiosity and courage gets the best of her and she attempts to audition for The Next Stage, a talent show. Millie faces challenges to achieve her dream, with the help of someone you might not expect! Alice has always struggled with her self-esteem and making friends. Alice eventually comes to the conclusion that she MUST be half Bigfoot. So Alice embarks on a quest with Jeremy and Jo to find out if there's more than meets the eye. Was Alice adopted? Why doesn't Alice have any fur? And most importantly, WHY is Mrs. Merriweather working for the Department of Offical Inquiry? Overall, Alice was a great character, unfortunately for me she became flat and boring after she figured she "lost" her best friend, Millie, to her nemesis. It was just constant "woe is me" and got annoying after awhile. Jeremy, if you've read the first book, is super interested in bigfoots. He works with Jo to help prove to the public if bigfoots are real. Jeremy's massive discovery concluded that Alice is NOT human. This is a major part in the Series, since it kickstarts the story. Jeremy, Alice, and Jo constantly stumble upon clues. But one day, Jeremy meets a strange man who works for the Department of Offical Inquiry who is interested in bigfoots. Jeremy becomes rightfully suspicious, but nevertheless works with the man and tries to lie to him to keep the DOI off Alice's tracks. To wrap up this insanely long review, I would give the story 4.5/5 stars. I loved the majority of the book, and I hope the author will continue the trilogy. However, I felt like the author was sometimes making fun of slender woman, saying they're too weak (the author has struggled w/ herself so I figured she was projecting her opinions into the story). I also felt like Alice was way overdone. The author also tried to convey a message that I felt was unnecessary. But maybe you'll see past this and give this wonderful book a try. :)
    Almost 4 years ago
  • wolfdog
    wolfdog has read this book.
    Almost 4 years ago
  • stellaluna
    stellaluna replied to a comment in
    I like to stay busy by playing outisde and facetiming friends. My favorite activity is probably Volleyball. Making the team is really important to me!
    Almost 4 years ago
  • stellaluna
    stellaluna added a new comment in
    Hi guys! Stellaluna here. What has been everyones favorite show to watch staying at home? I really really enjoyed Riverdale and Stranger Things. I would reccomend to 12 and older for Riverdale, and probably 10 and older for Stranger Things.
    Almost 4 years ago
  • stellaluna
    stellaluna replied to a comment in
    My favorite candy is just dark chocolate. My favorite app is probably Pinterest. My last vacation was at Disneyland. Our Disneyland vacation was in February. My favorite exercise is just any cardio!
    Almost 4 years ago

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