Warrior's Refuge (Warriors Graphic Novels)

Warrior's Refuge (Warriors Graphic Novels)

By Erin Hunter

1 rating 1 review
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 5 - 8Grades 2 - 3P2.2n/a
Graystripe, a former leader of ThunderClan, struggles between staying with his adopted Twoleg family and embarking on a quest to find his lost feline companions.
Publisher: Turtleback Books
ISBN-13: 9781417797196
ISBN-10: 1417797193
Published on 12/26/2007
Binding: Library Binding
Number of pages: 112

Book Reviews (1)

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Awesome book! Beautifully written, and simply impossible to put down...very engaging. Graystripe lives a lonely life. After being kidnapped by some two-legged creatures and forced to live in a house, he doesn’t know where his friends are. He was once part of the warrior Clans, who are cats that hunt and live in the wild...but not anymore. The former second-in-command must now fight his way out of captivity. Being a house cat isn’t in his nature...and that’s why failure to escape is not an option. But sometimes, Graystripe isn’t sure he wants to leave the Twolegs. After all, they fed him and kept him comfortable, didn’t they? And he has also met a house cat called Millie, who might be a good friend for him. In the end, he escapes—but Millie wants to come with him. Graystripe doesn’t know if this is safe, though, since she has never been out in the wild—and she may not survive. Can he make the right decision? Or will the journey back home prove to be more dangerous than he thought? Read this book to find out!