The Testing

The Testing

By Joelle Charbonneau

21 ratings 30 reviews 33 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 6 - 8Grades 4 - 6Z+5.694872

It’s graduation day for sixteen-year-old Malencia Vale, and the entire Five Lakes Colony (the former Great Lakes) is celebrating. All Cia can think about—hope for—is whether she’ll be chosen for The Testing, a United Commonwealth program that selects the best and brightest new graduates to become possible leaders of the slowly revitalizing post-war civilization. When Cia is chosen, her father finally tells her about his own nightmarish half-memories of The Testing. Armed with his dire warnings (”Cia, trust no one”), she bravely heads off to Tosu City, far away from friends and family, perhaps forever. Danger, romance—and sheer terror—await.

Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers
ISBN-13: 9780547959108
ISBN-10: 0547959109
Published on 6/4/2013
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 352

Book Reviews (30)

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This is basically a copy of the Hunger Games with slightly different details. And while the Hunger Games has no swear words, there are about 20 in this book. And there is SO much gore! This book is NOT for the weak stomached and even the people with strong stomachs should proceed with caution. So many people die. And Tomas and Cia kiss once on almost every page of the book. I'm not saying I don't like this book. But if this book get's turned into a movie, I bet you that it'll be rated R.

kylie kylie


i love the hunger games and this seems okay the hunger games are my life lol

I haven't read it but it looks good to read though

BookGeek7352895 BookGeek7352895

i rly wanna read this

MaybeItsAlright MaybeItsAlright

I love this book. It just loved cuddling and snuggling with it. All I could do was hold it for dear life. Its my life.

I love this book and i want to read more

this is book is good because it is about graduating and seems very much of a great book to me

Very good! My school is reading this. Another dystopian novel.

If you loved the Hunger Games, you will definitely love this!

really i wish i had the book what is it really about ?