

By Roland Smith

2 ratings 2 reviews 4 followers
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Grades 4 - 7Grades 3 - 8W4.554342
When Jacob Lansa joined his father in Brazil, his biggest worry was whether he would get sent back to Poughkeepsie. But his father's expedition to create a jaguar preserve is beset with violence and Jake is viciously attacked before their journey even begins!
Publisher: Hyperion Book CH
Published on 2/3/1999
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 256

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This is an awesome book. im reading storm runners by roland smith and thunder cave by roland smith they are both two really good books

This is a really good book to read. I recomend to any one on the planet, even a person I don't know. I love this book so I look forward to reading other books by Roland Smith!