If Wishes Were Horses

If Wishes Were Horses

By Natalie Kinsey-Warnock

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Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 2 - 6P5.221388
On a small Vermont farm in 1932, 12-year-old Lily constantly argues with her older sister, Emily. Into this combative atmosphere comes Great-Aunt Nell, who seems to understand both girls. But everything changes when in an act of revenge, Lily pushes Emily into a quarry. Soon afterward, Emily is diagnosed with polio and placed in an iron lung. Despite her intense sibling rivalry, Lily gives up what she most needs and loves -- her horse -- to help Emily, and by doing so makes a poignantly selfless gesture.
Publisher: Puffin Books
ISBN-13: 9780142301432
ISBN-10: 0142301434
Published on 7/8/2002
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 144

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