Aww, you're so sweet! Thank you! Really, I have to credit reading. I have read so many books, so I'm familiar with how authors structure their sentences to form coherent and effective sentences. Also, I would also say something that my mom told me when I was younger that I always use with my movie reviews as well as my book reports in school is "tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, tell them what you told them". I usually start my reviews with a quote from the movie (if I can) and then do a summary of the movie. Then I give my opinion. I try to make my opinion the shortest part unless the movie was really bad or really good. Essentially, I try to give all the information about the movie that I would want to know before I watched it, like, is it family-friendly, or are there parts that you should talk about with your parents? etc. Anyways, you're a really good writer too! You've written many awesome reviews that I really, really like! Keep up the good work! ð