Kids News - Articles for Grade 5

The T. Rex's Ferocious Teeth May Have Been Hidden By Lips

The Tyrannosaurus rex (T. rex) has always been portrayed with its razor-sharp teeth jutting out of its jaw. They are visible even when its mouth is closed. The depiction is based on its closest relative - the crocodile. Also, scientists assumed that the dinosaur's teeth, which grew up to six inches (15.2 cm) long, were too large to fit inside its mouth....

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The T. Rex's Ferocious Teeth May Have Been Hidden By Lips

Everything You Need To Know About The US Debt Ceiling

On May 1, 2023, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen urged lawmakers to raise the debt ceiling immediately. She warned that if the US government were not allowed to borrow more, it would be unable to meet its obligations by early June 2023. They include things like Social Security and Medicare payments. The government would also be unable to make interest payments on money borrowed in the past. This would result in a US debt default....

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Everything You Need To Know About The US Debt Ceiling

Mother's Day Spending To Exceed $35 Billion in 2023

Mother's Day is marked annually in the US on the second Sunday of May. On this day, Americans celebrate the extraordinary women in their lives with special treats and lavish gifts. Mothers certainly look forward to the annual pampering. But retailers anticipate the holiday even more. Mother's Day is the country's third-largest retail holiday after the winter holidays and back-to-school season....

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Mother's Day Spending To Exceed $35 Billion in 2023

May Is Asian American And Pacific Islander Heritage Month

May 1st marks the start of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month in the United States (US). It celebrates the achievements and contributions of the AAPI community. The broad term includes 50 ethnic groups. They speak over 100 languages and have roots in more than 40 countries. They include those connected to China, India, Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Korea....

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May Is Asian American And Pacific Islander Heritage Month

The Significance And Traditions Of The Holy Month Of Ramadan

Ramadan is the ninth and most sacred month in the Islamic lunar calendar. During this month, Jibril (the archangel Gabriel in the Judeo-Christian faith) revealed the first verses of the Quran — Islam's holy text — to Prophet Muhammad. The holy month's start is based on the appearance of the young crescent Moon. This year, Ramadan will begin at sundown on March 22nd or 23rd, depending on when the Moon is seen....

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The Significance And Traditions Of The Holy Month Of Ramadan