2nd Grade - Current Events and Books


testWednesday, March 23, 2011 at 9:01 pm

50th Anniversary Of Human Space Travel

Fifty years ago, on April 12th 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, made history, by becoming the first human to orbit the earth. The 108-minute flight hailed as the greatest feat in Soviet Space history, also helped reignite interest in space exploration.

Who Knew Water Droplets Could Be So Beautiful

We have all thrown rocks into the water, but very few of us have been able to appreciate how beautiful the water looks, as it splashes up - Partly because we are too busy counting the ripples it creates, but mostly, because it happens too fast for the human eye to catch.

Even Humpback Whales Release Hit 'Singles'

The fact that male humpback whales sing long sweet melodies has been known for many years - However, a new finding suggests that some melodies get so popular, that they are sung by whales all over the world!

End of Feb 2011Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 11:11 pm

Mrs. IngleCheck out the exciting news in 2011

Finnish Driver Sets New World Speed Record On Ice

Four-time World Rally champion Juha Kankkunen, has added another feather in his cap. On February 17th, the 51-year old Finnish driver, shattered the World Speed record, by pushing a Bentley Supersports Convertible to an astonishing 205.48 mph (330.695km/hr) for over a kilometer - on the frozen waters of the Baltic Sea off the coast of Finland.

Spectacular Eruption At Chile's Puyehue-Cordon Caulle Volcano

Before the ash from Iceland's Grimsvotn volcano has even had a chance to settle down, another spectacular eruption is making headlines. This time around, it is not in Iceland but in the world's other volcano hotspot - Chile. After being dormant for over 50 years, one of the craters of the Puyenhue-Cordon Caulle volcano suddenly came to life on Saturday, June 4th and erupted with a fury, that has not been seen in recent times.

If The World Was A Village of 100 People . . . . .

How often have we heard of statistics like 20% of the world's population lives below the poverty level or 14% are illiterate? While profound, for most of us, it is hard to visualize how severe the issue really is. To make it simpler to understand, Hong Kong based graphic designer Tobt Ng has created a series of designs dubbed the 'World of 100'.

Can Conservationists Save The Spoon-Billed Sandpiper?

A team of conservationists led by the staff at the Russian branch of Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust and Birds (WWT), has just launched a last-minute attempt to save one of the world's rarest birds - The Spoon-Billed Sandpiper.

February 14thMonday, February 14, 2011 at 11:52 pm

Mrs. IngleRead these lovely stories and write polite comments.

This Valentine's Day - The Epitome Of True Love!

Ah! love! - That wonderful emotion that you feel for your parents, siblings, friends and . . . . . statues? Well you may not feel that, but judging from the mesmerized look on this little red squirrel's face, it has certainly caught the love bug.

OMG! This Little Porker Thinks He Is A Dog

This pig seems to be saying 'been there, done that' to a pig's life, opting instead, for a dog's life! And, he doesn't just think he is a dog, but acts like one too - Responding to his name, going for walks with a leash around his neck, playing fetch and most important of all, performing tricks!

Can Conservationists Save The Spoon-Billed Sandpiper?

A team of conservationists led by the staff at the Russian branch of Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust and Birds (WWT), has just launched a last-minute attempt to save one of the world's rarest birds - The Spoon-Billed Sandpiper.

Post ThanksgivingSunday, November 28, 2010 at 8:02 pm

Mrs. Ingleread the following turkey related stories


Apple And Cider Receive Presidential Pardon

Today is Thanksgiving - A day when thousands of turkeys will be skillfully carved and gobbled up by hungry diners all over the United States. However, two gorgeous turkeys, Apple and Cider, will not make the cut (literally), thanks to a special presidential pardon granted to them by President Obama.

Rare Apple-1 Computer Auctions For Record Amount

When one envisions a product from Apple Inc, the images that come to mind are slim, stylish products like the iPad, iPod Touch and the Macbook Air - not this green unfinished looking motherboard. But believe it or not, this is where it all began.

The Secret Behind Asia's Flying Snakes

For many years now, scientists have wondered how reptiles from five related species of Chrysopelea paradisi, commonly known as 'flying' snakes, can stay afloat as they leap from one tree to the next, sometimes covering a distance of as much as 79 feet - Now, a new study has revealed that it may be all to do with the way they move.

Three Kiwi Teens Survive 50 Day Ordeal At Sea

The Atafu Atoll, one of the islands that make up Tokelau, a territory of New Zealand, is celebrating the safe return of three teenagers thought to have perished at sea, almost three months ago.

AfricaSunday, November 21, 2010 at 4:28 pm

Mrs. IngleCheckout these fun stories from Africa.

The Nimble Goats Of Morroco

Goats grazing on precariously steep hillsides is a common sight - but perched high atop the branches of a tree? That's a sight you will only see if you go all the way to the North African country of Morocco.

The Galloping and Dino-Eating Crocodiles!

Paul Sereno, a resident paleontologist at National Geographic has been scouring the arid areas of the Sahara for many years, in search of crocodile fossils. Now his findings of five species of these ferocious creatures that roamed the Earth 100 million years ago, have been used to create an amazing  documentary entitled 'Crocs Eating Dinosaurs'.

Ahhhh - Open Wider Please! Zebra Plays Dentist At Zurich Zoo

Jill Stonseby, a Jacksonville, Florida resident was visiting the Zurich Zoo in Switzerland, when she came across this astonishing sight - a zebra peeking inside the mouth of a hippo.

Scientists Discover New Species Of Elephant Shrew

Scientists believe that they may have found a new species of the elusive Elephant Shrew or Sengi, in Kenya's remote Bon-Dori jungle.

Rare Pink Hippo Spotted In Kenya's Masai Mara

In early September, British wildlife photographers, Will and Mathew Burrard-Lucas went to Kenya's Masai Mara game preserve, hoping to capture images of the world-famous wildebeest migration. They ended up getting not only stunning migration pictures, but also, those of an extremely rare pink baby hippo.

Kevin Richardson A.K.A. Lion Whisperer

Kevin Richardson loves cats so much, that he sometimes spends the night curled up next to one - Not impressed? You will be when you realize, that his companions are not your normal tabby cats, but  wild ones, like lions, cheetahs and leopards.

Naankuse Wildlife Sanctuary - A Place Where Man And Beast Live In Harmony

Visit Namibia's Naankuse Wildlife Sanctuary and you are in for a treat - cheetahs and humans coexisting in harmony in an environment where there is no predator or prey.

ScienceWednesday, November 17, 2010 at 6:21 pm

Mrs. IngleKids, this week its all fun practical science in all the stories.

Have fun learning and make sure you comment.

Will Drilling Into A Volcano Save Naples?

Naples, the capital of Campania, Italy, is known for many things - It's rich history, culture, architecture, music and most importantly, for inventing pizza. However, the city's location, right near, Mount Vesuvias, an active volcano that has erupted 50 times since that fateful day in 79 A.D., when it buried Pompeii and its sister city, Herculaneum. Now, geologists are trying to see if they can predict the next major eruption and save the beautiful city of Naples, from a similar fate.

Could Jellyfish Protein Power Nano Medical Devices?

Researchers at Sweden's Chalmers University of Technology, believe that protein from jellyfish may be a new source of energy - one that could aid medical science power nanotechnology devices (tools that can manipulate matter on a molecular or atomic scale).

Swiss Celebrate Completion of World's Longest Railway Tunnel

On October 15th, the people of Switzerland celebrated with abandon, as the drill broke through the last piece of rock, finally connecting the two ends of the Gotthard Base Tunnel - The world's longest railway tunnel. The mammoth undertaking that cost about 10 billion USD took 2,600 workers, 12 years to accomplish - And, it's not done yet.

LCROSS Mission Reveals Additional Water And Other Surprises

In October of 2009, NASA blasted the Cabeus crater on the Moon's South Pole with a rocket, to look for evidence of water. Called the LCROSS mission, it was considered a huge success, after 25 gallons of water was discovered. However, a closer look at the data transmitted has revealed, that not only is there much more water than previously believed, but also, other surprising elements.

Fun StoriesMonday, November 8, 2010 at 7:32 am

Mrs. IngleCheck out the following fun stories

OMG! Flamingos Wear Makeup Too!

Humans have been enhancing their looks with make-up since ancient times. Now it seems that so have flamingos - Their color of choice? Pink of course!

China's Incredible Future Floating Village

Imagine a world where everything is floating - One where instead of stepping on firm ground, you swim or sail out? Believe it or not, that's exactly what the residents of Sandu'ao village in China experience every day.

The Cats' House Is Paws-itively Fabulous!

To say that Bob Walker and Francis Mooney like cats is an understatement - Not only have the couple adopted nine cats, but they have also converted their home, The Cats' House into a luxury abode for felines.

Video Of The Week - Jetman Rossy's Latest Stunt

Yves Rossy A.K.A. Jet-Man, the Swiss adventurer who has pulled of some amazing flying stunts with the help of his winged jet pack was at it again last week.

Sports StoriesTuesday, October 26, 2010 at 10:50 pm

Mrs. IngleRead these amazing sports stories and write a comment about why you liked each one.

B.A.S.E Jumpers Leap Off The World's Tallest Building And . . . . . Survive!

What a year it has been so far for world records - First 26-year old Travis Pastrana stuns the world with his amazing leap, then the world's tallest building finally opens its door and now, two skydivers set another record by leaping off it's 200th floor.

B.C. Unicyclist Takes On World Class Bicyclists

Over the last 23 years, world-renowned unicyclist Kris Holm has ridden his single-wheeled bicycle all over the world, across all kinds of terrain. Now, the 36-year old Canadian is preparing for his biggest challenge yet - The B.C. Bike Race (BCBR), a multi-day mountain biking race, featuring some of the world's best bicyclists.

World's Biggest Skateboard = One Giant Wipeout!

How many people does it take to ride a skateboard? Think the answer is obvious? Not so, when you are trying to steer a 36 feet 7 inches long skateboard that is 9 feet wide and weighs nearly 3,800 pounds, and, is officially the World's Largest Skateboard!

Video Of The Week - 2010 World Kiteboarding Championships

Some of the World's best sportsmen and women recently came together on the Canary Island of Fuerteventura, to battle it out for the 2010 World Kiteboarding Championships.

Video Of The Week - Federer Does It Again!

A few weeks ago, we brought you the amazing video of tennis whiz Roger Federer knocking a can off the head of a staff member - Not once, but two times. While nobody knows for sure whether that was a trick shot, the shots you are about to see, definitely aren't.

Rafael Nadal Completes Career Grand Slam At Just 24!

This past week, Rafael 'Rafa' Nadal not only won his first U.S. Open, but also, entered the ranks of all time greats, by becoming only the seventh person in the history of tennis, to win all four Grand Slam tournaments  - The Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon, and U.S. Open.

Video Of The Week - Jetman Rossy's Latest Stunt

Yves Rossy A.K.A. Jet-Man, the Swiss adventurer who has pulled of some amazing flying stunts with the help of his winged jet pack was at it again last week.

Global LocationsTuesday, October 19, 2010 at 11:19 pm

Mrs. IngleThis week we're reading stories from:

Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Kenya and Canada

Write a comment about these countries on each story.

Ms. Richards

Canadian Student Flies Like A Bird!

Oh to be able to soar in the skies like a bird! Ever since the Greek legend of Daedalus and Icarius, humans have dreamed of taking to the skies - Sure they have succeeded using jet engines and other contraptions, but nobody has been able to do it quite like the birds - Using just their hands and feet - Until now.

Rare Pink Hippo Spotted In Kenya's Masai Mara

In early September, British wildlife photographers, Will and Mathew Burrard-Lucas went to Kenya's Masai Mara game preserve, hoping to capture images of the world-famous wildebeest migration. They ended up getting not only stunning migration pictures, but also, those of an extremely rare pink baby hippo.

Will Drilling Into A Volcano Save Naples?

Naples, the capital of Campania, Italy, is known for many things - It's rich history, culture, architecture, music and most importantly, for inventing pizza. However, the city's location, right near, Mount Vesuvias, an active volcano that has erupted 50 times since that fateful day in 79 A.D., when it buried Pompeii and its sister city, Herculaneum. Now, geologists are trying to see if they can predict the next major eruption and save the beautiful city of Naples, from a similar fate.

Spain Tries To Save The 'Endangered' Siesta!

Siestas or mid-afternoon naps have traditionally been an important part of the Spanish culture, with most cities shutting down, while people snoozed, following a leisurely lunch. However, thanks to the busy modern lifestyle, it is starting to become an endangered custom. Now, a newly formed group entitled National Association of Friends of the Siesta, is attempting to revive the tradition with, a Siesta Competition.

Swiss Celebrate Completion of World's Longest Railway Tunnel

On October 15th, the people of Switzerland celebrated with abandon, as the drill broke through the last piece of rock, finally connecting the two ends of the Gotthard Base Tunnel - The world's longest railway tunnel. The mammoth undertaking that cost about 10 billion USD took 2,600 workers, 12 years to accomplish - And, it's not done yet.

Animal StoriesTuesday, October 19, 2010 at 8:10 pm

Mrs. IngleEnjoy reading these animal stories.

Write comments about the unique aspect of each animal

Ms. Richards

Why Are These Bears Losing Their Fur?

The Leipzig Zoo in Germany is facing a very bizarre problem - Their female bears, Dolores and Lolita are losing all their fur and nobody knows why it is happening.

Ahhhh - Open Wider Please! Zebra Plays Dentist At Zurich Zoo

Jill Stonseby, a Jacksonville, Florida resident was visiting the Zurich Zoo in Switzerland, when she came across this astonishing sight - a zebra peeking inside the mouth of a hippo.

Wild Cat Forges An Unusual Bond With Family Pet

The relationship between a wild cat and a domesticated dog is usually quite straightforward - One eats the other for lunch! But don't tell Salati, a 10-month old leopard and Tommy the resident golden retriever at Glen Afric Country Lodge near Pretoria, South Africa, that.

This Lizard Runs On Water - Really!

On a sunny day the Basilisk, named after a mythical Greek character with magical powers, looks like any common lizard as it basks in the tropical forests of South and Central America. Only when startled by a predator, do you see its unearthly ability to run over the surface of water.

Humpback Whale's Record Breaking Migration

A female humpback whale has managed to swim herself into the record books, by migrating a distance of 6,125 miles or almost a quarter of the globe and about twice the distance normally covered by migrating whales.

Jim Belosic - Dad & Pancake Maker Extraordinaire

Most dads would be happy if they could whip up a normal stack of pancakes for their kids - Not Jim Belosic. This amazing dad makes pancakes that would be considered works of art, if only, his three-year old didn't gobble them down so rapidly.

Could Jellyfish Protein Power Nano Medical Devices?

Researchers at Sweden's Chalmers University of Technology, believe that protein from jellyfish may be a new source of energy - one that could aid medical science power nanotechnology devices (tools that can manipulate matter on a molecular or atomic scale).

Kevin Richardson A.K.A. Lion Whisperer

Kevin Richardson loves cats so much, that he sometimes spends the night curled up next to one - Not impressed? You will be when you realize, that his companions are not your normal tabby cats, but  wild ones, like lions, cheetahs and leopards.

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