2nd Grade - Current Events and Books

Current Events for the week of November 3rd 2014Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at 1:38 pm

Mrs. InglePlease read the assigned articles and write an intelligent comment of at least 20 words.  Come prepared to discuss on Thursday

Norwegian Adventurers Visit Nineteen Countries In Twenty Four Hours!

Most people don't manage to visit 19 countries in twenty-four years, leave aside 24 hours! But three young Norwegian men have proven that where there is a will, there is a way especially, when the motivation is to shatter a Guinness World Record.

A Peek Inside The World's First Carbon Neutral City

As the world becomes more aware of the risks of climate change and the importance of sustainable energy sources, individuals and communities are increasingly taking measures to reduce their carbon footprint. Some are building "passive homes", to take advantage of natural sun and wind patterns, while others are installing solar panels or windmills, to power their homes. But never before has there been an entire "green" city - one that relies solely on renewable energy sources and smart design elements, to eliminate its carbon footprint.

Guess What? Acing Those "Mad Minute" Tests Could Make You A Math Whiz

The next time you are asked to test your math computational skills with the dreaded "Mad Minute" test, do not groan and moan! According to Stanford scientists, it is the mastery of these basic facts that will help transform you into math whizzes, as you grow older! And given that they have peeked inside the brains of elementary school-age kids, adolescents and adults, they should know.

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