2nd Grade - Current Events and Books

Current Events for August 3, 2012Friday, August 3, 2012 at 9:40 am

Move Over Spiderman, Here Comes Spiderlizard! (VIDEO)

Following the recent release and success of The Amazing Spiderman, stores are over-flowing with all kinds of red and blue superhero costumes. However, this lucky reptile does not need to depend on any kind of fake attire - It is naturally born with an uncanny resemblance to Spiderman.

Smart Gorilla Youngsters Thwart Crafty Poachers By Dismantling Snares (VIDEO)

No matter how hard conservationists try, there is always some ruthless poacher out there to kill animals regardless of how close they are to becoming extinct. Now, a trio of endangered young mountain gorillas in Rwanda have decided to take it upon themselves to try save their species, by thwarting their attempts.

Witness Asteroid 2002 AM31 As It Zips By Earth On Sunday July 22nd

This weekend Space buffs are in for a special treat - On July 22nd 2012, an asteroid the size of a city block will zip past earth in its closest approach since it was discovered in 2002. Estimated to be between 2,000 to 4,500 feet wide, the Asteroid 2002 AM31 will get within 4.65 million miles or about 14 times the moon's distance from Earth.

How An Accidental Giant Hole In Central Asia's Karakum Desert Turned Into A Tourist Destination

If you ever happen to visit Central Asia's Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan, you will witness a strange but breathtaking sight - A giant hole in the middle of the desert aglow with a fire that never seems to go out - And the fact is, that it has not gone out for the last forty years at least. However, this phenomenon, which has become a minor tourist destination, is not a natural wonder but the result of an accidental excavation.

Need Electricity? Play A Game Of Soccer!

Though 25% of the world's population may not have access to electricity, they all have access to a source of energy that is currently being wasted - Kinetic energy released by their bodies when they exert themselves. Now two Harvard alums have figured out how to capture this energy and convert it into electricity - The only equipment needed? A Soccket soccer ball and the desire to have some fun!

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