2nd Grade - Current Events and Books

Current Events for July 9, 2012Monday, July 9, 2012 at 2:32 pm

Spencer West 'Redefines Possible' By Scaling Mt. Kilimanjaro With His Hands

When Spencer West was just five years old, he was diagnosed with a rare spinal defect that resulted in the amputation of both his legs. However, the young Canadian has never let this minor disability get in his way. He has proved that he can do anything a person with two legs can do including, climb the world's highest free-standing snow covered equatorial mountain - Mt. Kilimanjaro!

Video Of The Week- The Smart Bed That Makes Itself

Every kid and adult knows how hard and time-consuming it is to make one's bed. First you have to lift and fluff the pillows, then flatten the comforter and tuck it all the way to the top and last, but not least, place the pillows above. Whew! That's a lot of hard work early in the morning. What's worse is that within a few hours, it is rumpled all over again.

Happy July 4th!

On behalf of the DOGOnews team, we would like to wish you all a happy July 4th! We are taking a short break to enjoy the nation's birthday, but will be back with more exciting news starting July 10th, 2012. Have a great holiday!

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