2nd Grade - Current Events and Books

Current Events for January 27, 2012Friday, January 27, 2012 at 10:01 am

Estonia's Checkers Championship Requires Superior Diving Skills

What has diving got to do with a board game like Checkers? A lot, if you are thinking of competing in the national Checkers championship in Janeda, Estonia. That's because, the entire tournament takes place underwater!

1,000-Pound Butter Sculpture Finds A Second Calling - As Source Of Green Energy!

While seeing sculptures carved from perishable food is fun, it is also an incredible waste, since the creations often end up in trash. But that, fortunately is not going to be the fate of this 1000-pound buttery depiction of a young boy leading his prize winning calf through a county fair. Instead he, will help power a working farm for three whole days!

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