
Current Events for September 15, 2013Sunday, September 15, 2013 at 5:51 pm

Current Events for September 15, 2013Sunday, September 15, 2013 at 5:48 pm

Thousands Apply For A One-Way (All Expenses Paid) Voyage To Mars

If you are a space buff, visiting Mars is probably at the top of your list. It is therefore no wonder that when the Mars One Foundation announced that they were seeking four qualified applicants to send on an all expenses paid trip to the Red Planet, over 200,000 people from 140 countries expressed their interest. The only catch? It will be a one-way trip because their mission will be to establish the first human settlement on Mars!

Video Of The Week - LG Corporation's Hilarious Meteor Prank

Not too long ago, South Korean conglomerate LG Corporation pulled off a funny prank that involved the floor of an elevator seemingly collapsing beneath the feet of their riders to demonstrate the lifelike quality of their new IPS monitors. Now the company is at it again, with a new prank that made the witnesses believe that the world was about to end!

Researcher Enlists Robots To Find Missing WWII Aircraft And Airmen

Advances in robotics have impacted almost every aspect of science - From building new liver tissues to making more advanced remote controlled helicopters. Now, these futuristic robots are even providing a window to our past, by aiding in the discovery of World War II airplanes along with remains to their occupants, the brave soldiers that fought so valiantly for their countries.

SpaceX Founder Elon Musk Envisions Supersonic Rail Travel

What is futuristic, has the potential to transport passengers faster than an airplane, and resembles a Disneyland ride? It's Hyperloop - A design for a supersonic transportation system between high-traffic cities that lie within short distances conjured up Elon Musk, the visionary behind SpaceX, the world's first privately funded spacecraft.

Video Of The Week - How To Lasso An Asteroid

The scientists at US Space Agency NASA are planning a radical new mission, one that entails capturing an asteroid and then sending over a manned spaceship so the astronauts can obtain some samples and bring them back to earth.

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